Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7663 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1921 (Online)


Compaarative Analysis of the Thinly Dispersed Components of the Triassic and Jurassic Sediments from the Caspian Region Aimed at Revelation of the Paleogeografic Settings

Indicators of sedimentogenesis have been established for paleogeographic reconstructions based on ecosystem-nanostructural analysis of finely dispersed sediments. The Early Triassic Olenekian sediments have disclosed some features of primary food chains peculiar for marine basins within the landscapes previously regarded as continental ones. Those have been classified as plains periodically flooded by sea. The coccolith- and ostracod-bearing sediments from epicontinental basins have been recorded in the Middle Triassic sections.

Hydrogeodynamic Conditions of the Basic Oil-gas-waterbearing Complexes of the Volga-Ural Province

Leaded researches showed, what hydrogeodynamic conditions of basic oil-gas-water-bearing complexes of Volga-Ural province are favorable for preservation of deposits of hydrocarbons. 

Geological Museum – a historical Component of the Saratov State University

Private collections of rocks and minerals from the vast of the Ural Mountains and Kirghiz plains known in Saratov from the second half of the XIX century, by the beginning of the XX century have been concentrated in the vaults of Radishchev Fine Art Museum. Later on, some of them joined the collections of the geological cabinet at the Saratov State University.

Lithologic-petrophysic Characteristic of Ardatovsk Horizon’s productive Collectors of the Splavnukha’s oil Field

In this article we had proved criteria of definition of productive collector’s effective thicknesses, porosity, shaliness and petrosaturation. We had revealed their features of vertical and lateral distribution. 

Petromagnetic Effect of an unsoluble residue distribution in the sylvinite Layer Section of the Gremyachinskoe Deposit

The article presents results of the detailed petromagnetic analysis of the core samples of the potassium salts of the Kungurian potassium salt complex in the Gremyachinskoe deposit (Volgograd region), which allowed for obtaining additional information on the stratigraphic rhythmicity and for substantiating the correlation levels.

Demonstration of Gemmation among Cretaceous Skeletal Sponges – Hexactinellida

The examination of the modular organization in fossil skeletal sponges (Hexactinellida) is mainly related to a study of their vegetative reproduction. The concepts of the reproductive forms for both Recent and Mesozoic hexactinellids can be ambiguous. Examples of the skeletons of fossil sponges from the Late Cretaceous of the Volga River basin, with morphologically detached and naturally distributed sprouts interpreted as buds, are shown. 

Results of the geochemical snow Survey for a local Area of the Territory of the Saratov City

Results of the chemical snow survey for a local area of the territory of the Saratov city are presented. It is fixed that composition of water from melted snow is corresponding to water qualitative for fish farming, except of content of nitrogen ammonium. Conclusions on perspectives of snow survey of local areas are proposed. Similar works has an important role in educational process of students, studying ecological disciplines. 

Peculiarities of Formation of Anthropogenic Hydrochemical Anomalies in Groundwater within the Oil and Gas Fields

During long-term operation of oil and gas fields in the groundwater on their territory are formed hydrogeochemical anomalies expressed primarily chlorellaman type chemical composition, typical of the zone of active water exchange. The formation of the chemical composition of groundwater is influenced by many factors, both natural and manmade.

Earth’s Magnetic Field Evolution During Last 24 mln Years

The history of Earth’s magnetic field during the last 24mln years is considered in terms of our regional magnetostratigraphic Neogene scheme of the southern European Russia and Transcaucasian region. The scheme results from the author’s paleomagnetic studies of base sections in the Caucasian region and bore holes in the northern Cis-Caspian and Lower Volga regions. The revealed inversions of the geomagnetic field are referenced to the stratigraphic scale of the Eastern Para-Tethys. Peculiarities of the magnetic polarity changes in Neogene are analyzed.

Paleogeographic and Tectonic Environment in the Lower Permian Halogen Formation from the Southeastern Margin of the Russian Plate

The Lower Permian halogen formation within the southeastern margin of the Russian Plate is to be considered a large one in terms of its spatial extent, thickness and completeness of halogen sedimentation development. Examination of the halogen formation has made it possible to construct lithology-facies maps of individual salt-accumulation stages and to determine the spatial migration of the salt-generating basin in time.
