Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7663 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1921 (Online)


Preliminary Results of Researches of Estimation of an Opportunity of Quantitative Interpretation of Termokappametric Data

Termokappametric method, that is based on the effect of phase transition of sulfides and carbonates of iron to magnetite at heating up to 500° C in the oxidizing environment, allows to define variations of concentration of pyrite in rocks. It is carried out laboratory and field researches with the purpose of finding-out of an opportunity to receive quantitative, instead of the qualitative with help of the termokappametric method.

Сharacteristics of the Lower Cretaceous Local Stratigraphic Units from the North of the Volgograd Region

Detailed sampling of the Lower Cretaceous beds from the wells and outcrops in the north of the Volgograd Region has revealed peculiarities in the material composition alterations along the section at the level of local stratigraphic units. Cyclicity in the Cretaceous bed formation has been established. Analyses of the authors’ own and of the earlier published paleontologic data have made it possible to date the beds relative to the general stratigraphic scale.

Well Logging Zoning of Saratov Region

In work for needs of the mine geophysics the outline of the Saratov oblast division into district is offered, it is based on the depths of bedding and litological structure of the basic oil and gas complexes, tectonic division into district of the territory, distribution of the saltmeasures and zones of development of the anomaly press, results of the metering of geophysical parameters in the chinks, stratigraphy layings out, data about the designs of the chinks, bed temperatures and pressure, mineralization of the bed of waters.

Lithological and Physical Yardsticks on Optimization Technology of Mud Acid Treatments Terrigenous Reservoirs

Results of laboratory and field researches on optimization of realization of mud acid treatments in the wells, opened terrigenous reservoirs at Saratovneftegaz OAO deposits, are submitted. it is shown, that efficiency of mud acid treatments of wells is determined by a degree of conformity of a mode of treatment of a layer with its geologicalphisical characteristic. 

Forecast Oil and Gas Content of Bowels using Methods of Deep Geochemistry

This article gives a brief overview on the possible forecast of oil and gas content on the basis of the studies of DOS (dispersed organic substance) rocks and its catagenetic alteration. On an example of southern part of Buzulukskaya hollow the connection of paleozoic rocks catagenezic with the phase content of hydrocarbons deposits is traced. The original scheme of catagenetic location of the bowels for this territory has been devised on the basis of the usage of the method of calculation of total impulses of heat.

To Question for Determination Index Effective Fracturing Carbonate Collectors

It is shown that index effective fracturing carbonate collectors can determinant surveys of oil wells. Results of determination index effective fracturing carbonate collectors is shown in table. 

Physico-geological Bases of Forecasting objects, Perspective on oil and Gas by Methods of Prospecting Geophysics and Practice of their Application

Questions on орроrtunities of forecasting of deposits of hydrocarbons with the help of gravimagnetic methods are considered on the basis of multilevel physico-geological models of oil-and-gas deposits. Examples integration geopotential methods are shown at forecasting oil-and-gas objects and an opportunity of use of a correlation technique of division of geophysical anomalies KOMR. 

Application of Geophysical Methods for the Decision of Engineering – Geological Problems at Research Landslip Processes in October Gorge of City of Saratov

In article application of a complex of geophysical methods of researches and the modern equipment for the decision of practical and engineering – geological problems is considered at designing for construction of technological constructions on landslip slopes (sites)

The Upper Cretaceous Inocerams from the Borehole Sections of the Western-Siberian Depression and Some Questions of the Turonian Stage Stratigraphy

This paper deals with research results of the inocerams from the Upper Cretaceous borehole sections of the Western-Siberian depression. The Lower and Upper Turonian inocerams – Inoceramus (Mytiloides) labiatus Schloth., I. (M.) hercynicus Petr., I. cuvieri Sow., I. lamarcki Woods (non Park.) var II Renng., I. cf. schulyinae Efrem. are described and figured. Questions of the Turonian stage stratigraphy and its dismemberment in France, Germany, USA, Canada and the former USSR are discussed.

The Composition and Paleontologic Characteristics of the Callovian Depositions from the North of the Don-Medveditsa Dislocations

New materials on the lithologic composition, character of the boundaries between the subsuites and paleontologic age determinations are presented. Those were obtained upon stydying the well copes from the North of the Don-Medveditsa Dislocations. The data analysis has allowed to divide the depositions in new place of the Volga Region in subsuites. Those are corresponding to standart ammonite zones and peculiar for foraminifer assemblages of their own.
