Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7663 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1921 (Online)

About Journal

Journal "Izvestiya of Saratov University. Earth Sciences" is a scientific periodical. Series exists since 2006.

The frequency of publication is 4 times a year.


ISSN 2542-1921 (online)

ISSN 1819-7663 (print)


The Founder and the Publisher of the journal is Saratov State University.


The journal is registered in the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology, and Mass Media (Roskomnadzor).

Registration PI № FS77-76643 of 26 August, 2019.


The content is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC-BY 4.0)

The Journal is Open Access.


The journal subscription index is 36010. The subscription is available in online catalogue Ural-Press Group of  Companies (ural-press.ru). The price is not fixed. 


The Journal is intended for researchers, lecturers and postgraduate students.


The subject of the Journal:

Geology, including general and regional, geotectonics and geodynamics, paleontology and stratigraphy, geophysics.

Geography, including physical geography and biogeography, soil geography and landscape geochemistry; economic, social, political and recreational geography, geoecology. In addition, research in the field of atmospheric and climate sciences, as well as geoinformatics and cartography.


Since 2007 the Journal is in the HAC List of reviewed scientific publications in which the essential scientific results of Master’s or Doctor’s dissertations are to be published (№833). Category 2.

The journal’s sections correspond to the Catalogue of scientific areas of academic degrees:

1.6.1. General and regional geology. Geotectonics and geodynamics (geological and mineralogical sciences),

1.6.2. Paleontology and stratigraphy (geological and mineralogical sciences),

1.6.9. Geophysics (geological and mineralogical sciences),

1.6.12. Physical geography and biogeography, soil geography and landscape geochemistry (geographical sciences),

1.6.13. Economic, social, political and recreational geography (geographical sciences),

1.6.18. Atmospheric and climate sciences (geographical sciences),

1.6.20. Geoinformatics, cartography (geographical sciences),  

1.6.21. Geoecology (geographical sciences).

Archived list of specialties

Valid until 05/25/2022:

25.00.01 General and regional geology

25.00.02 Paleontology and stratigraphy

25.00.10 Geophysics, geophysical methods of prospecting for minerals

25.00.23 Physical geography and biogeography, soil geography and landscape geochemistry

25.00.24 Economic, social, political and recreational geography

25.00.30 Meteorology, climatology, agrometeorology

25.00.35 Geoinformatics

25.00.36 Geoecology (by industry)


Aims @ Scope:

The main aim of the Journal is sanctification of modern scientific research, the main trends and results of education and research in the field of Earth Sciences.


Objectives of the journal
The purpose of the journal is to highlight the results of modern scientific research in the area of Earth science, promoting the development of scientific research and educational activity.
The journal’s objectives are:

Publishing original scientific papers with recent results in all the major areas of geography, geology and other Earth science;
Publishing new original research results in the areas of Earth science;
Publishing scientific reviews within the journal themes;
Publishing up-to-date information about the field-specific conferences and other scientific events held at Saratov State University;
Publishing information on field-specific external conferences;
Publishing articles of leading scientists in the areas of Earth science.

Languages of publication  — Russian and English


The editorial board does not consider the articles that:

  • ​ are only application-oriented;
  • ​ have been previously published;
  • ​ have been accepted for publication by other journals.

Articles should be in agreement with formatting and style requirements of the Journal.

The manuscripts received by the Editorial Office are reviewed (see Manuscripts Review Procedure), then the Editorial Board takes the decision on the publication of the article in the Journal.


Digital archiving policy
In order to ensure the preservation, usability and accessibility of the journal content (journal and article metadata, the full texts of the articles) for long term availability the following systems are used:
- The journal content on our server is online and accessible to the readers. (See Archive)
- The copy of the same content is kept at the electronic library systems eLIBRARY.ru and Cyberleninka, where an advanced search can be carried out by journal articles (by keywords, author, title, section).

Self-archiving. Authors are allowed to archive preprints and postprints of their works. After publication, the authors may place their works on the Internet (for example, in the repository of a working organization or a personal website).


The Journal has entered into an electronic licensing relationship with EBSCO Publishing, the world's leading aggregator of full text journals, magazines and eBooks. The full text of JOURNAL can be found in the EBSCOhost™ databases.

In order to respect the rights and responsibilities of authors and Saratov State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky involved in the publication of scientific articles in the journal “Izvestiya of Saratov University” the authors and the publisher of the journal make a duty to enter into “The License agreement for the right to use scientific work".