Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7663 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1921 (Online)


Features of the Permian and Triassic beds in the supersalt complex from the Gremyachinskoye potassium salt field

Study of the supersalt beds from the Gremyachinskoye sylvinite filed has shown the sections of both, the Permian and the Triassic beds to be curtailed relative to other areas of the Pricaspian Depression. Fragmentary parts of the Middle and of the Upper Permian beds have been revealed alongside with the Lower and the Middle Triassic, missing upper Triassic beds and the traces of the Upper Jurassic deposits.

Stratigrafy of Santonian-Campanian Deposits of South-Easten Russian Platform on the Example of Section Separation Near the Village Mezino-Lapshinovka and the Problem of Intrasantonian Boundary in the Saratov Volga Region

The results of interpretation of biostratigraphic separation of santonian-campanian deposits of the Saratov right-bank Volga region, on the example of earlier conducted detailed and complex investigation of separation near the village Mezino-Lapshinovka have been presented. The ideas of realiability of variants of the detailed (on the level of subtages) subdivision of santonian substage in reference to the territory of the Volga right-bank have been given. 

Mesozoic-Cenozoic Oversalt Deposits from the Gremyachkinskoye Sylvinite Field

The authors consider compositions of the rocks penetrated with the Well NO 13 in the Gremyachkinskoye sylvinite field, Volgograd Region. Varied complexes of terrigenous, ciliceous and carbonate rocks, alongside with their mixed varieties rhythmically alternate there over the Late Cretaceous, Paleogene, Neogene and Quaternary sections.

Stratigraphy of the Baojcian-Bathonian Marine Deposites of the Volga Region

There are unceptainties in the boundaries, extensions and ages of the suites recognized in the recent regional stratigra-phic chart for the Middle Jurassic of the Saratov and Volgograd Volga right-bank Regions. Analyses of the new factual materials acquired from numerous well cores and the data from the outcrops in the stratotype locality at the North Vol-gograg Region make the basis for elaborating the deposite division. Detaled lithologic and paleontologic characteristics, their thicknesses and areals are estimated over Volga right-bank Region. 

Aspects of Modern Higher Education

High school and specifically – professional geological education go through the period of essential structural and profound reformation. The modern state of components of higher professional education has been considered. The ideas about disappearing components of this system and probably the fact that can change them have been stated. 

About Possible Reflexion of Paleocological Conditions in Petromagnesism of Kallovian - Oxfordian Deposits of Dubki Section (Saratov)

As a result of the complex analysis of petromagnetic, micro- and macrofaunistic data of deposits on the Kallovian – Oxfordian boundary of Dubki section (Saratov), which is one of candidates for a role of a Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point of Oxfordian boundary (GSSP), it is established significant correlation between magnetic susceptibility variations and changes of an abundance, a specific variety of ostracodes, foraminiferes and ammonites.

Local Stratigraphic Units of the Middle Carboniferous Moscovian Stage from the Volgograd-Saratov Volga Region

Analysis of the published factual materials from the Lower Volga region has made it possible to distinguish and to describe eight local stratigraphic units of the Middle Carboniferous Moscovian stage. Lithologic and paleontologic characteristics of the suites and the subsuites are presented alongside with indications of the stratotype sections in particular wells. In the summary, the local stratigraphic units from the Lower Volga Region are compared with the stratotypes from the Moscow Region. 

Mineralogical and Paleogeothermal Criteria for Predicting Oil and Gas Contents from the Rift Sedimentary Basins

Clay minerals and their parageneses make sensitive indicators of diverse processes involved in transformation of the Valanginian terrigenous rocks in the North Khalmerpayutinskaya field by hot solutions. The latter ones used to form hydrothermal-metasomatic reservoirs and to transport HC. The amounts of mixed-layer bodies and the proportions of swelling (smectite) and non-swelling (chlorite, micaceous) constituent packages make it possible to estimate the trap quality and the probability of HC presence.

Kinematics of the Electromagnetic Waves from the Second-type Seismoelectric Effect in Two-layered Earth

Analysis of the traveltime curves of the principal types of the electromagnetic waves from the second-type seismoelectric effect was used to demonstrate the possibility of using the kinematic characteristics of that effect fields for studying aquifer locations. 

Geological-tectonic interpretation of gravity-magnetic information in development of regional geophysical profiles (for example: the profile «Uvarovo – Svobodniy»)

The article deals with the results of geological interpretation of geophysical data received during traversing («Uvarovo – Svobodny» line, the length is 376 km). Integrated gravitomagnetic installations alongside were applied during the process of interpretation. The new tectonic elements were found, and previously found tectonic elements were confirmed. More accurate information about location of the border separating the mentioned tectonic elements was obtained. 
