Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7663 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1921 (Online)


The Application of Fractal Analysis for the Lichen Indication of Technogenic Impact from a Linear Source of Atmospheric Pollution

A new method of processing the actual material of lichen-indication studies, based on the study of morphological changes in the lichen thallus, is proposed. Assessment of the degree of technogenic impact on the components of the environment from a linear source of atmospheric pollution is performed by calculating and correlating the fractal index of anthropogenic load levels and the processes of its biotic compensation.

Atmospheric Pollution of the Irkutsk Agglomeration by Automobile Emissions

The aim of the work is to assess the contribution of vehicle emissions to air pollution of the Irkutsk agglomeration, on the example of a large industrial and transport city of Angarsk. In order to achieve the goal, emission calculations were carried out on the basis of field surveys of the composition and traffic intensity of vehicles at major intersections of Angarsk during peak hours. With the help of the program complex «Ecologist» calculations of concentrations of the main harmful substances emitted into the atmosphere by vehicles were carried out.

Stability of Geosystems and Geo-Environmental Risks on the Territory of the Russian Far East

Modern geosystems are formed under the influence of two main factors that are in close interaction with each other. We are talking about natural and anthropogenic factors, which are essentially opposite. The stability of geosystems is found under conditions when they are influenced by various factors and phenomena that have antagonistic characteristics. The methods used are comparative geographical, informational, paleogeographic. The materials obtained in the course of natural observations, the work of scientists, information from various funds have been used.

Demographic Aspects of Development of Population and Urbanization in Turkmenistan

The article discusses the conditions and the need of urbanization in the country. High natural growth and the agrarian type of economy are the cause of employment problems. Internal migration in the country is directed to cities, which leads to the need to develop urbanization. The urbanization models that prevail in the country are peripheral and concentration. The classification and typology of the cities in Turkmenistan are given. The prospects of the urbanization process are estimated.

Natural Prerequisites of Changing the Vegetation Cover of Ribbon Forests on the Territory of Altai Krai

The article presents the study results of changes in the plant cover of ribbon forests of the Priobsky Plateau during the Holocene. According to satellite imagery data, a change in the role of different types of vegetation cover, corresponding to the current environmentally friendly conditions of the steppe and forest-steppe zones has been established.

Typological Zoning of Trunk Pipeline Routes according to the Possibilities of Engineering-Geological Processes (on the Example of the Trunk Pipeline «Druzhba 2» within the Limits of the Republic of Belarus)

The typological zoning of the main pipeline route «Druzhba 2» has been carried out as far as possible manifestations of engineeringgeological processes appear. Seven groups of processes are singled out on the agent of a relief formation, each of which includes several types allocated on the genesis of process.

Macroregions as Supra-Regional Innovation Systems: The Problem of Knowledge Spillover

The necessity of formation and development of supra-regional innovation systems within the country for the effective flow of the innovation cycle, dissemination of knowledge and innovations is substantiated. The properties of the regional innovation system including those relevant in the Russian conditions of low population density and economic activity are discussed. The hypothesis that the macro-regions of Russia are considered as a super-regional innovation systems is tested. The regions – scientific and innovative centers-are singled out.

Correlation Relationship between the Protein Content of Spring Wheat and the Average Monthly Air Temperature in June at the Station «Saratov South-East»

The article presents a forecast of grain quality of spring wheat, obtained on the basis of the correlation of grain protein content with the average monthly air temperature in June. The correlation coefficient of the found dependence was 0.75, the equation justification was 94%. The statistical significance of the model is confirmed using Student’s criterion, the analysis of residual deviations and using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov criterion.

On the Question of Assessing the Quality of Green Plants for a Comfortable City Environment (on the Example of the Pedestrian Zone «Rakhov Street», Saratov)

The article discusses the creation of a comfortable urban environment in the central part of the city of Saratov. The data on reducing the area of green spaces, the results of the assessment of air pollution from vehicles against the backdrop of an unfavorable terrain are presented. It is established that the indicators of complex environmental pollution of the pedestrian zone of Rakhov Street have a tendency to increase after its reconstruction.

Studying Linear Erosion by Means of Creating a Refined Digital Elevation Model Based on SRTM (The Khvalynsk District of the Saratov Region as an Example)

This article considers the methodology for constructing a digital elevation model and its derivatives for analyzing the spatial distribution of linear erosion processes using the territory of the Khvalynsky district as an example. The authors propose the creation of a refined terrain model based on SRTM radar data, topographic maps and the interpretation of Earth remote sensing data. The creation technology is described and a comparative analysis of the refined model with the base SRTM is carried out.
