Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7663 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1921 (Online)


Influence of zeolitization on the migration of reservoir fluids on the example of jurassic and neocomian deposits (Yamal oil and gas region)

To assess the influence of zeolite group minerals on the migration of reservoir fluids in terrigenous deposits, complex (X-ray and gas-geochemical) studies of core material in the Yamal oil and gas region field were conducted. 54 core samples from the Pyakyakhinsky and Yuzhno-Messoyakhsky deposits were studied including 43 zeolitized and 11 non-zeolitized samples.

Geological and geophysical analysis of morphological structures of the central type in the Eastern European platform territory and its connection with hydrocarbon fields

Correlative interrelation of hydrocarbon field arrangement and morphological structures of the central type is revealed. Possible natural mechanisms of morphological structures formation of the central type are considered. By results of geological and geophysical interpretation of magnetic prospecting, gravity prospecting, heat floor data the deep structure of these morphological structures is shown.

Structural features of the lower permian salt-bearing series and the character of salt-tectogenesis manifestations in the northern and northwestern margins of the Сaspian depression. Paper 1

The detailed evaluation of the accumulated geological-geophysical data, particularly on the inner structure of the saltbearing series in the margins of the Caspian Depression, the mechanism of salt-tectogenesis manifestation, its reflection in the structure of the salt table and association with the structural inhomogeneities of the subsalt bed is presented.

Volcanogenic material in upper jurassic-lower cretaceous deposits of the Eastern Russian plate and its sources

Widespread “camouflaged” pyroclastics including smectite, illite-smectite and heulandite are detected in the upper jurassic– lower cretaceous deposits of the Ulyanovsk-Saratov basin. Moreover, volcanic glasses are found in several stratigraphic units. The quantity of pyroclastic material in the study section (17–72%) is probably related to volcanic input in the basin.

A new locality of chondrichthyan fishes from the Upper Paleocene on the right bank of the Don river (Volgograd region)

An assemblage of chondrichthyans is described from the new locality near Serafimovich town (the western part of Volgograd region). More than 2500 fossils were collected from the basal gravel-pebble bed and phosphorite-bearing layer from the lower part of the Buzinovka formation (upper Paleocene). There are reworked Cretaceous and Paleocene chondrichthyans (6 species) and synchronous 21 species of sharks and 2 species of chimaeroids.

Results of the reconnaissance magnetostratigraphic studies of Paleocene in the southern part of the Saratov right bank

The results of rock-magnetic and paleomagnetic studies of two sections of the Lower Syzran subformation (Paleocene) of the Saratov Right Bank – the Syrt Mountain (Nizhnyaya Bannovka village) and Lysaya Gora (Saratov city) are presented. For the first time the possibility of obtaining paleomagnetic data on the Paleocene of the Volga region and their use for magnetostratigraphic purposes despite the partial remagnetization of rocks has been established.

Natural conditions of the Popigai diamond deposit (North-West Yakutia)

The article highlights the features of the diamond mining industry in Yakutia. The history of the discovery and study of impact diamonds Popigai deposit formed as a result of the penetration of the eponumous huge meteorite into the rock mass are traced. Some features of Popigai crystals and the prospects of their use in various sectors of the national economy of the country are characterized.

Conditions for the formation of deposits in the upper part of the Berriasian section near v. Alekseevka, Belogorsk region, Republic of Crimea

The results of the paleoecological analysis on ostracods of the upper part of Sultanovskaya Formation (Boissieri zone) in the section near v. Alekseevka are presented. Five ostracod assemblages reflecting changing conditions in the paleobasin are defined. It was established that the sedimentation in the Late Berriasian time occurred under conditions of a warm normally salty with a calm hydrodynamic regime of the basin, mainly in oxygen waters.

Pseudoderivations of Paracraticularia cylindrica (Michelin, 1840) (Porifera, Hexactinellida)

The morphological diversity of diosculumic sponges, known as Paracraticularia cylindrical, results from the fact that many fossils assigned to this species prove to be fragments of the apical segments of internodes (branches) from major colonies that are rarely encountered as totally preserved fossils. The structures of the branch apical segments and the oscula outlines reflect various manifestations of hexactinellida synchronous division conductive to morphological diversity of the descendants, the succeeding complicatedly structured colonial sponges.

Lithological and petrophysical characteristics of the deposits of the Vogulkinskaya strata within the maly Teterevsky shaft (Shaimsky oil and gas region)

Study results of the material composition and conditions of forming P Vogulkinskaya strata of the Tolumskoye field are presented. It is established that the formation of sediments occurred in coastal-marine conditions, in the transgressive stage of the sedimentation basin development. According to the composition of the allotigenic part, the studied sandstones and siltstones correspond to the quartz, grauwack and arkose groups.
