Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Earth Sciences

ISSN 1819-7663 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1921 (Online)

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Influence of zeolitization on the migration of reservoir fluids on the example of jurassic and neocomian deposits (Yamal oil and gas region)

Osipova Elena P., Branch of LLC “LUKOIL-Engineering” “KogalymNIPIneft”
Astarkina Angela G., Branch of LLC “LUKOIL-Engineering” “KogalymNIPIneft”
Astarkin Sergey Vasilievich, “KolgalimNIPIneft” branch of LLC “Lukoil-Engineering”
Strelnikov Daniil A., LLC “LUKOIL-Western Siberia”
Reshetnikov Mikhail Vladimirovich, Saratov State University

To assess the influence of zeolite group minerals on the migration of reservoir fluids in terrigenous deposits, complex (X-ray and gas-geochemical) studies of core material in the Yamal oil and gas region field were conducted. 54 core samples from the Pyakyakhinsky and Yuzhno-Messoyakhsky deposits were studied including 43 zeolitized and 11 non-zeolitized samples. The core samples were studied by gas chromatography to determine the content of hydrocarbons adsorbed in the pore space of the core, as well as by X-ray diffractometry to determine the mineral composition of the samples under study. The regularities of hydrocarbons distribution in the studied samples depending on the degree of their zeolization are established. The differences in the distribution of hydrocarbons in zeolitized and non-zeolitized siltstones have their own explanation. Having an ordered crystal structure and a certain size of the entrance windows zeolites are able to sorb.

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