Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7663 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1921 (Online)


Changes in the Structure of Employed Population of Volga Federal Distict Subjects

The structure of population employment, both in the Russian Federation and individual regions, has an impact on the rates of their economic development and the level of incomes of the population. In the article it is proposed to use the method of structural-share analysis to assess the degree of influence of all-Russian and local socioeconomic factors on the employment structure of the population of the Volga Federal District.

Possibilities of Geomarketing to Determine the Optimal Location of the Banking Department (with the Branch Network of Sberbank, Saratov as an Example)

The article presents the practical implementation of geomarketing tools and GIS technologies in the search for ways to optimize, as well as more successful operation of the branches of PJSC Sberbank in Saratov.

Fragmentation of Plastic Garbage in the Surf Zone of the Sea: a Laboratory Experiment on the Example of Expanded Polystyrene

Pollution of the coastal zone of the sea by plastic debris is an important environmental problem. Especially dangerous are small particles (microplastic), as birds and fish mistake it for food. The article deals with the process of destruction of foamed polystyrene – one of the most frequently encountered pollutants – in the surf zone of the sea.

Geochemical Conditions of Contemporary and Destroyed Soils of Curegenal Burials of the Forest-steppe Zone of the Middle Volga Region

The article presents data on the development of approaches to the reconstruction of the paleo-environment of the habitat of the Lugovo culture by means of the conjugate analysis of the soil-archeological and geochemical parameters of the soils of settlements and buried soils of the burial mounds. As a working hypothesis, it was suggested that meadow-steppe conditions for the formation of geosystems of the period of development of the Lugovsk cultural-historical community, dating back to the 15th–14th centuries. BC.

Spatial Aspects and Principles of the Transformation of the Cultural Space of the City (on the Example of Saratov)

The spatial aspects of the formation of cultural space of the city according to the scheme «point-line-area» were examined. The main cultural line of Saratov was considered, some potential lines were revealed. The principles of formation of cultural space of the city were proposed. The role of citizens in maintaining a cultural space was examined.

Analysis of the Atmoecological Situation in Saratov and an Assessment of its Possible Development

The article considers the causes and factors of the unfavorable atmosphere-ecological situation in Saratov. Particular attention is paid to factors of a natural and socio-economic nature, creating an increasingly unfavorable trend in the development of the atmosphere-chemical situation in the city.

Stages of Development of Eolian Processes in Agrolandscapes of Small River Basins of Tomsk Oblast’ in Cold Period of Year

The article presents the results of studies of deflationary and accumulative processes in the south-east of the Tomsk oblast’ for the past 30 years. The authors identified natural and anthropogenic factors, two stages of development of eolian processes in cold period of year. It has been established that eolian processes develop annually in agrolandscapes of Basandaika river basin but with varying degrees of intensity.

Тhе Soils of Settlements in the Limits of the Maklashcheevka City Ii of the Forest-steppe Zone of the Middle Volga Region

The construction of the Volga-Kama cascade of reservoirs in the middle of the 20th century.led to the development of abrasion processes and the disappearance of monuments of archaeological and cultural heritage. So, on the surface of the second terrace above the floodplain p. Kama near the place of its confluence with the river Utka, studied

A Modern Condition and Anthropogenic Effects in the Course of Development of the Polar Landscapes of Russia

The landscapes of polar countries are neither young nor secondary. An external shape and internal composition of polar landscapes are created as a whole by permafrost (continuous, faltering with taliks and island). In some cases, under unfavorable conditions, its own destructive influences on landscapes are strengthened by endodynamic risks (first of all, by seismicity flashes from 1 to 2 points).

Construction of a Hydrologically-correct Digital Terrain Model (Using the Example of Saratov Region)

The article provides an algorithm for constructing of hydrologically correct digital terrain model. The main thematic terms and definitions are given. The construction of watercourse network on the territory of Saratov region and construction of watershed basins has been carried out by GIS-technologies. An algorithm for constructing flood zones of the territory has been developed to identify the most vulnerable objects.
