Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7663 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1921 (Online)


The Transformation of Economic Structure of the Russian Subjects of the Volga Economic Region in 2005–2013

The article is showing the structural changes in the industrial structure of the Russian subjects of the Volga economic region in 2005-2013. The reasons and consequences of these changes, especially in the manufacturing area, are discussed.

The Dynamics of Geo-ecological Situation in the Flood Plain of the Volga near Saratov

The article deals with the dynamics of geo-ecological situation in the Volga River floodplain near the city of Saratov, due to changes in the nature and extent of anthropogenic load on floodplain systems, regulated flow r. Volga, the increasing complexity of the background environmental situation as a whole.

Effects of Space Factors and Resonance of Tidal Harmonics in Surface Air Temperature Datasets

The digital spectral analysis was carried out for centennial datasets of mean daily values of the surface air temperature anomalies at De Bilt and Lugano weather stations. In the power spectra of datasets peaks are found, which are associated with the influence of various terrestrial and space factors: the quasi-biennial oscillation, the pole tide, luni-solar tides, the rotation of the Earth – Moon system around the barycenter, and the solar activity.

Geochemical Conditions of the Development of Modern and Buried Soils of the Middle Volga Region

The article presents datas on the gross chemical composition of buried soils of Subatantic and Subboreal periods, that’s located on geosystems floodplain of the Middle Volga. Based on the evaluation of geochemical factors justified bioclimatic conditions of their development, as well as the peculiarities of the process of soil formation. The comparative geochemical characteristics of buried soils with their zonal analogues (leached chernozem).

Concept of Demographic Policy-2025 and Demographic Situation in the Volga Federal District

The article describes preliminary results of the second phase of the Demographic Policy Convention of the Russian Federation for the period until 2025. The demographic situation of 2010–2015 is considered on the example of the Volga Federal District. Particular attention is paid to changes in the demographic situation in the Saratov region. The article highlights the positive changes that have occurred in 2010–2015. The article formulates aims for the third phase – 2016–2025.

The Issue of Problem Aspects of Development and Implementation Land Use and Development Rules of Saratov Region’ Settlements

The article shows the main problem questions of Land use and development rules of settlements’ territories creation. Problematic aspects of Rules development related of making changes in existing Rules in accordance with the classifier of permitted land use, difficulties in identifying and mapping boundaries of zones with special conditions of use, resolve contentious issues at public hearings are defined.

Attractiveness of Regions and Cities of the Volga Economic Region

The article suggests approaches to the study of the attractiveness of different regions and cities. Some of them apply to the subjects of the Russian Federation and the cities of the Volga economic region.

Agroclimatic Characterization of the Winter Season in Saratov

The article is on the daily weather data for the seventy-year period (1941–2011). The agroclimatic characterization is given on the winter season in Saratov, analyzed the average daily temperature for individual years and decades, the evaluation is given on the winter season according to the favorable wintering of the winter crops.

To Develop Geographical Bases of Integrated Water Resources Management in Transboundary Ural’s River Basin

The article notes the need to develop a conceptual interstate program on regulation of water within transboundary river basin Ural. Conduct a comprehensive analysis of the eco-hydrological and socioeconomic specifics of cross-border region allowed to identify the key approaches to integrated water resources management in the basin Ural.
