Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7663 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1921 (Online)


Modern Urbanization in the Saratov Region

Saratov region is one of the highly urbanized regions in Russia, 75% of the population as of 2014 live in urban areas of the region. Urbanization in the region, following the all-Russian trend, has passed all stages. From the initial stage of large city urbanization to reurbanization with stabilization of population of large cities and their renewed development. Saratov agglomeration has formed and developed. Processes of suburbanization, and gentrification found its development in the region.

Changeability of Maximally Possible and Total Evaporation on Territory of Saratov Area in the Conditions of Changing Climate

To the article the estimation of dynamic of annual precipitation is driven, maximally possible and total evaporation in the different soil-climatic zones of the Saratov area in the conditions of the global warming of climate. It is shown that in a period from 1981 to 2014 year noted a statistically significant increase in the maximum possible evaporation, which leads to an increase of deficit of evaporation. As a result of the observed tendencies the climate norms of gidromelioration in the area were increased on 200–300 м3 / hectare.

Evaluation of the Agricultural natural Resources in the Steppe and Forest Steppe Russian Regions

The article assesses the effectiveness of the agricultural nature management in the steppe and forest-steppe regions of Russia. The study is based on statistical data comparing the actual yield with the potential bioclimatic. Identified areas with varying efficiency of the agricultural prirodopolzo-tion. The vast majority of regions of the steppe and foreststeppe zone has a low ef ciency of agricultural natural resources, actual crop yields in most of the times in the following bioclimatic potential.

Sources of Funds of Saratov Region Population: ethnic Aspect (based on 2010 census)

The article examines the main sources of funds of Saratov region population based on materials of the 2010 census. The focus of research – differences by ethnicity. The most numerous peoples of the region (11 nations) are studied on such indicators as age structure, and the main source of funds. Ethnic aspect of population characteristic is vital to study ethnic groups interaction in the economic sphere.

Theoretical Emphases of Modern Socio-economic Geography: Ontological and Epistemological Aspects

The work represents the modern view on key notions of socioeconomic geography considering their important cognitive and methodological function. Some aspects are particularized with objectsubject sphere of geographical science, and its role in important social problems solution is emphasized.

Study Presence of Lichens on Tree Trunks in Saratov as an Indicator of Air Pollution

Studies presence of lichens on tree trunks support a high level of air pollution from industry and transport in all parts of the city of Saratov.

Research of Characteristics of Humidity Regime of Atmosphere in the Conditions of Changing Climate of Saratov Area

In the article the tendencies of change of relative humidity and deficit of humidity of air, numbers of days are shown with relative humidity of air ?of 30% and ?80%, number of dry and moist days, to maximal duration of dry and moist periods during the vegetation of agricultural cultures, and also monthly and annual rainfalls and number of days with the different amount of fallouts. Speed over and meaningfulness of these changes are brought in a period from 1981 to 2014 on the station Saratov South-East.

Natural Potential of the Agricultural Districts of the Saratov Region

The article presents the division of the Saratov region on agricultural district. Zoning base on landscape differentiation territory. Brief description of the districts is given taking into account the soil and bioclimatic potential.

Green Plantings in the Territory of the Large Industrial City (on the Example of the Balakovo City)

In this article the results of research of public green plantings in the territory of Balakovo received by use of a technique of the assessment of an ecological condition of public green plantings developed by researchers St. Petersburg are considered. Following the results of the analysis of a condition of wood plants certain features of dependence of quality of a condition of plantings on pedigree structure and a place of growth are revealed.
