Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7663 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1921 (Online)


Asynchrony Onset of the Phases of Development of Crops for Station Saratov South-east

In article for the 30-year period identified the main phase of development of different groups of crops, examined critical phases of development of each culture and analyzed the relationship of these phases with agro-meteorological conditions. Also highlighted in crops that best use bioclimatic resources of the region

Wind Energy Potential at Different Altitudes of the Surface Atmospheric Layer in the South-east of European Russia

Implemented the original methodology of assessment of the wind energy capacity at different altitudes of the surface layer of the atmosphere from the ground-based data. Maps of geographical distribution of average annual complete the cube of the wind speed in the South-East of European Russia. Analysis of its spatial changes in the region

The Use of Brands of the Territory in the Excursion Activity (on the Example of the Excursion «The Brand Places of Saratov»)

The article is written on the basis of the creation’s and realization’s experience the excursion «The brand places of Saratov». The authors believe that, in virtue of the fact that the brand of the territory helps to attract potential tourists, the development of excursion to the brand places is a necessary step in this direction.

Geoecological Situation in Saratov and its Possible Impact on Cancer Incidence Population

The article deals with geoecological situation in Saratov in the first decade of the new century. Also in the article was estimated air pollution in the most dangerous pollutants, particularly affecting on cancer morbidity such as dust of different origin, formaldehyde, benzo (apirenom) phenol. Identification and localization of zones and areas with adverse environmental conditions is necessary for more rigorous, including screening observations on the development of the carcinogenic situation and correcting regional cancer program

Historical and Methodological Aspects of the Application of Landscape-hydrological Analysis in the Study of Geosystems

In this article the analysis, generalization and systematization of materials of hydrological researches of Russian and foreign scientists are carried out to the period since the end of the nineteenth century till the present time. The extent of the investigation of the problem of application of landscape- hydrological analysis in the study of geosystems is revealed; the various approaches and methods are considered

Saratov Predvolzhja Landscape Differentiation from Regional to Local Level

The article is devoted questions of regional and local level geosystems landscape mapping with Saratov region’s right bank as an example. Mapping was organized with GIS technologies using on the basis of topographic and thematic maps and space images decoding

Methodic of Stereoscopic Terrain Model Creation Based on a Single Satellite (Space) Imagery by Means of Lens Raster

Methodic of stereoscopic terrain model creation based on single high resolution space photo with using digital elevation model and following visualization this image by means of lens raster is described in the article

On the Influence of the Planetary Front High-Rise Zone to Change Some Characteristics of the Climatic Regime in the Northern Hemisphere

This article considers the questions of influence of the planetary highrise frontal zones (PVFS) on the climatic regime of the Northern hemisphere. Shows the dynamics of the areas PVFS relatively natural climatic periods state the earth’s climate system. The connection of the speakers areas PVFS with the wind regime change in the hemisphere

Ethnic Aspects of Urbanisation in Saratov Region

Saratov region is one of the most highly urbanized Russian regions. Despite a significant percent of medium and small cities (83.3%), only 34% of the regional urban population live their. Due to the nature of the ethnic composition of the population, external migration, as well as to demographic behavior of different peoples, ethnic composition of the population of the region, and cities in particular, is changing.

Fedorovskiy Municipal District of Saratov Region Sustainable Development Index Assessment using GIS-technologies

In this article Fedorovskiy municipal district sustainable development index assessment based on territorial planning scheme and geoinformation modeling is considered. Gives numerical values of economical, social, ecological and integral indexes by municipalities and Fedorovskiy district on the whole
