Izvestiya of Saratov University. Earth Sciences. 2012, Vol. 12, iss. 1

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Bogdanov M. B., Efremova T. Y., Katruschenko A. V.
Estimation of Characteristics of the Earth’s Climate System from its Response to Changes in Solar Constant
Makarov V. Z., Chumachenko A. N., Bashkatov A. N., Gusev V. A., Volkov Y. V., Prokazov M. Y., Fedorov A. V., Danilov V. A., Zatonskiy V. A.
Saratov Privolzhie: Landscape Structure and Modern Geoecological State
Morozova S. V., Polyanskaya E. A.
Features of the Circulation Processes in the Lower Volga Region in Winter
Nesterova O. E., Shtyrova V. K.
Spatial and Temporal Organization of Relief and of a Relief Forming Processes Around the City of Saratov
Pryakhina S. I., Sklyarov Y. A., Guzhova E. I., Nazarov V. A., Leontiev Y. G.
Impact Agrometeorological Factors on the Formation of Productivity and Quality Early Grain and Winter Crops for Stations on the Saratov Region
Makarov V. Z., Reshetnikov M. V., Surovtseva O. V., Chumachenko A. N.
Dynamic of Snow-Geochemical Anomalies in the Saratov City Territory (over a Period of 1992–2010)
Lapina S. N., Orlova I. A.
Estimation of Atmospheric Parameters and their Effects on Aircraft Flight using GIS-T echnology
Volkova E. N.
Complex Application of Geophysical Methods at Various Stages Oil and Gas Search Works
Korobov A. D., Korobova L. A., Kolotukhin A. T., Mukhin V. M., Eleseeva L. V.
Hydrothermal Lithogenesis and Its Role in Riftogenic-Sedimentary Oil and Gas-Bearing Platform Complex Formation
Popov E. V., Efimov V. M.
New Records of the Chimaeroid Genus Stoilodon Nessov & Averianov, 1996 (Holocephali, Chimaeroidei) Remains from the Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous of European Russia
Shelepov D. A.
Some Features of Hydrothermal Transition Amygdaloidal Basalts Turin Series Kushmurunskogo Graben (Turgay Trough)