Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7663 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1921 (Online)


Application of Mathematical-Cartographic Modeling for comprehensive landslide hazard assessment using the Analytic Hierarchy Process in the territory of the city of Saratov

The city of Saratov is subject to landslide processes, which occupy a significant part of its territory. Anthropogenic factors, such as irrational use of land, increasethe activation of landslide oftheterritory. The article considers naturalfactors as an aggregate influencing landslide formation on the territory of Saratov city and evaluates them.

Research of spatial distribution of electromagnetic fields of industrial frequency in the central part of the city of Saratov

The cartographic research of electric and magnetic fields of industrial frequency in the central part of Saratov was performed. Measurements by means of the Gigahertz Solutions ME 3830 B M/E Analyser were executed in the 177 points within the built-up territories and recreational zones. The research showed that tension of electric fields and magnetic induction everywhere do not exceed hygienic standards, but in 15,8% ofmeasurement points excesses of approximate safe level ofmagnetic induction were revealed accordingtothe latestforeign researches.

Geoecological Situation in Saratov and its Possible Impact on Cancer Incidence Population

The article deals with geoecological situation in Saratov in the first decade of the new century. Also in the article was estimated air pollution in the most dangerous pollutants, particularly affecting on cancer morbidity such as dust of different origin, formaldehyde, benzo (apirenom) phenol. Identification and localization of zones and areas with adverse environmental conditions is necessary for more rigorous, including screening observations on the development of the carcinogenic situation and correcting regional cancer program

Petromagnetic and Thermomagnetic Characteristic of Soils in the Area of ?Oktyabrskiy? Landfill Waste Disposal (Saratov)

Investigations of the physical parameters (magnetic susceptibility, thermal-magnetic effect) and soil texture and soil in the area of the landfill waste disposal. Performed a preliminary assessment of technogenic pollution of soils and soil heavy metals and petroleum products.

Analysis of Characteristics and Classification of Devasted Lands of Saratov

In this article the author gives the analysis of the characteristics of devasted lands on the base of the field route research of Saratov’s territory. The types of devasted lands were discovered, their short description was composed, the area of each territory’s type was counted. The principal districts of the concentrationof the devasted lands are given, the specificity of their morphogenetic types, are examined.

Possibilities of Geomarketing to Determine the Optimal Location of the Banking Department (with the Branch Network of Sberbank, Saratov as an Example)

The article presents the practical implementation of geomarketing tools and GIS technologies in the search for ways to optimize, as well as more successful operation of the branches of PJSC Sberbank in Saratov.

Spatial Aspects and Principles of the Transformation of the Cultural Space of the City (on the Example of Saratov)

The spatial aspects of the formation of cultural space of the city according to the scheme «point-line-area» were examined. The main cultural line of Saratov was considered, some potential lines were revealed. The principles of formation of cultural space of the city were proposed. The role of citizens in maintaining a cultural space was examined.

Analysis of the Atmoecological Situation in Saratov and an Assessment of its Possible Development

The article considers the causes and factors of the unfavorable atmosphere-ecological situation in Saratov. Particular attention is paid to factors of a natural and socio-economic nature, creating an increasingly unfavorable trend in the development of the atmosphere-chemical situation in the city.

Periodical Changes in the Surface air Temperature, Caused by the Influence of the Space Factors

We carried out the analysis of the power spectrum of the time series of the daily mean values of the surface air temperature in Saratov city (Russia) in the time interval from 1945 through 1999. In the power spectrum are discovered two tidal harmonics, the harmonic with the period of synodic month, connected with a change in the insolation during the motion of system the Earth – Moon around the common center of masses, and also harmonic, which corresponds to the average period of rotation of the active regions of the Sun.

Condition of a Level of Scrutiny Gulling in Territory of Saratov and Vicinities

On the basis of the analysis of the literature on studying gulling in territory of Saratov and vicinities the basic techniques and results of researches for more than 130-years period, and also directions of modern studying are noted. The modern level of a level of scrutiny gulling territories is certain. 
