Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7663 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1921 (Online)


Подходы к классификации территориальных барьеров в городской среде (на примере большого центра г. Перми)

Аннотация. Введение. Работа посвящена исследованию территориальных барьеров в городской среде. Рассматриваются основные виды барьеров, их роль в пространственном развитии города и формировании социально-экономических взаимодействий. Данные и методы. Разработана методика расчета коэффициента проницаемости территориальных барьеров, основанная на комбинации объективных критериев (привлекательность, пре-одолимость) и субъективных оценок (тип перехода, доступность, обособленность, тип покрытия, качество покрытия). Проведена классификация барьеров по степени проницаемости.

Оценка выбросов загрязняющих веществ Boeing 737-800 в арктических зонах при использовании традиционного и биологического видов топлива

С каждым годом вклад авиационного транспорта в загрязнение атмосферы становится все выше, что в условиях долгосрочных температурных изменений требует детального изучения. В данной работе представлен анализ выбросов загрязняющих веществ от двигателя CFM56-7B при использовании керосина Jet A-1 и биологического топлива HEFA за взлетно-посадочный цикл, во время полета и за весь рейс. Цель работы заключается в оценке негативного воздействия деятельности воздушного транспорта на экосистему арктических регионов.

Influence assessment of physical and geographical conditions for flat terrain on flight visibility

Introduction. A flight visibility model is presented that takes into account the nature of the underlying surface, the height of the flat terrain, and the dynamics of the aircraft flight due to changes in altitude and ground speed during aerial work. Materials and Methods. Hourly microring weather maps of the Central Russian Plain of the Moscow air hub were used. The research methodology is based on constructing a flight visibility model, taking into account the factors influencing it, including the terrain and the nature of the underlying surface.

Application of Mathematical-Cartographic Modeling for comprehensive landslide hazard assessment using the Analytic Hierarchy Process in the territory of the city of Saratov

The city of Saratov is subject to landslide processes, which occupy a significant part of its territory. Anthropogenic factors, such as irrational use of land, increasethe activation of landslide oftheterritory. The article considers naturalfactors as an aggregate influencing landslide formation on the territory of Saratov city and evaluates them.

The influence of circulation factors on the quantity of atmospheric precipitation in the cold season in Western Siberia

Introduction. The work is devoted to the analysis of the influence of different states of the circumpolar vortex on local features of the geopotential fields, which, in turn, determine the variability of cold season precipitation for the studied territory of Western Siberia. Data and Methods. A statistical analysis of time series of seasonally average values of the precipitation amount in the cold season was performed, obtained from 33 meteorological stations located within the selected coordinate area.

Research of spatial distribution of electromagnetic fields of industrial frequency in the central part of the city of Saratov

The cartographic research of electric and magnetic fields of industrial frequency in the central part of Saratov was performed. Measurements by means of the Gigahertz Solutions ME 3830 B M/E Analyser were executed in the 177 points within the built-up territories and recreational zones. The research showed that tension of electric fields and magnetic induction everywhere do not exceed hygienic standards, but in 15,8% ofmeasurement points excesses of approximate safe level ofmagnetic induction were revealed accordingtothe latestforeign researches.

Small streams and water reservoirs as indicators of environmental problems in agricultural landscapes (on the example of the Belgorod region)

The main object of the article is to show indicator functions of small water bodies (streams, ponds) for 4 rural areas in agricultural landscapes (Belgorod region). In the course of the study the groups of anthropogenic objects with their special impacts are identified and ranked. The correlation between concentrations of chemical forms of biogenic elements (N, P) demonstrates the contribution of typical problems of agricultural landscapes in ecological situation (rural areas) as well as contribution of adjacent urban areas.

Green technologies in the manufacturing industry in Russian regions

The green transformation of the country’s economy is a crucial process for the sustainable development of spatial socio-natural systems. This transformation is closely linked to the broader process of digitalizing the economy. However, the introduction of green technologies into Russian industries is uneven, as shown by the analysis of the representation of advanced green manufacturing technologies in different regions. This analysis has revealed a lack of using green technologies and a low number of regions that generate these technologies.

Statistical analysis of air temperature changes according to long-term observations of the V. A.Mikhelson Meteorological Observatory of RSAU – MTAA

Introduction. The purpose of the study is to assess the dynamics of changes in air temperature indicators and its impact on agronomic systems, based on long-term observations of the V. A. Mikhelson Meteorological Observatory of RSAU – MTAA. Materials and Methods.

Saratov children’s playgrounds: Analysis of the ecological and geochemical situation

In a modern large city, it is mandatory to have playgrounds in residential areas. The level of social well-being and well-being of urban space is also assessed by the presence of a children’s playground in each residential courtyard. However, from a city-ecological point of view, is it advisable to organize parking on boulevards, in small squares, in courtyards next to car parks?
