Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Earth Sciences

ISSN 1819-7663 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1921 (Online)

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Semi-Empirical Method for Determination of Air Relative Humidity on Results of Sun-Photometric Measurements of Precipitated Water Vapors

Asadov Hikmat H. oglu, National Aerospace Agency
Abdullayeva Sevindj N. gizi, Azerbaijan State University of Oil and Industry
Aliyeva Amida D. gizi, National Aerospace Agency

The paper is devoted to suggested semi-empirical method for determination of air relative humidity based on results of measurements of precipitated water vapors using sun photometers. The analysis of known Butler method make it possible to predict the presence of extremes in functional dependence of precipitated water vapors on relative humidity on the earth surface. Regression equations in the form of quadratic algebraic units, known for different zones of the researched region enable to obtain the quadratic equation for any zone of the researched region on the basis of preliminary held measurements. The equation for calculation of relative humidity at the earth level depending on measured value of precipitated water vapors is obtained.

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