Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7663 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1921 (Online)

изменение климата

Natural Prerequisites of Changing the Vegetation Cover of Ribbon Forests on the Territory of Altai Krai

The article presents the study results of changes in the plant cover of ribbon forests of the Priobsky Plateau during the Holocene. According to satellite imagery data, a change in the role of different types of vegetation cover, corresponding to the current environmentally friendly conditions of the steppe and forest-steppe zones has been established.

On the manifestations of climate change in the wind regime in the territory of Syunik marz (Armenia)

The manifestations of climate change in the regularities of the wind regime in the territory of Syunik marz of Armenia are considered. Monthly wind data for the period 1966–2018 of six weather stations were used as a source material. It was found that at all meteostations, except for Kapan, currently operating in the territory of Syunik marz there is a tendency towards a decrease in wind speed for 1966–2018.

Intraannual and interannual changes in clouds in Ufa

The study of cloud cover and its characteristics (quantity and forms) is of practical interest, especially for large cities. Cloud cover, having a dual effect (albedo and greenhouse), is an important factor in the formation of the thermal regime in the conditions of global climate change. This article presents the results of the analysis of daily, annual and long-term changes in the cloud cover regime in the city of Ufa(Republic of Bashkortostan). Urgent data from long-term observations of clouds (1966–2020) were used for the analysis.

Assessing the continentality index of Western Siberia against the background of regional climate change

Quantitative assessment of the territory continentality is an urgent task, because in the conditions of climate change, the index of continentality can be taken into account when developing geographical forecasts of landscape development. The purpose of this study is to assess the change in the index of continentality of Western Siberia in the conditions of the current trend in climate development. The statistical series of observations on seven meteorological stations in Western Siberia served as the information base of the study.