Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7663 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1921 (Online)


Typomorphism of Clastogene Quartz from the «Melovatka-5» and «Melovatka-6» Sections (the Cenomanian from the Southeast of the Russian Plate)

The paper deals withthe methods forstudying typomorphic featuresof clastogene quartz grains from the Melovatka suite terrigenou srocks within the stratotype and parastratotype sections. Calculated and observable typomorphic features of quartz grains have been examined; statistic analyses of their sphericity and isometricity parameter values have been made. Criteria for determining petrogenic or lithogenic nature of clastogene quartz have been specified.

Environmental Management – Combining Agricultural Technology and Geology

Most of the Volga phosphate deposits are categorized as hard to recover, therefore traditional mining can result in environmental problems. An experimental rig model was manufactured for the shaftless mineral production from the thin productive layers. The projected productive capacity of a single production unit is 20,000 tons per year.

Morphogeneses of the Late Cretaceous Guettardiscyphia (Porifera, Hexactinellida)

Guettardiscyphia skeletons are peculiar for thin walls and highly dense apo- and prosopores. Wall mobility was conductive to formation of conical lobate skeletons of various, occasionally geometrically regular outlines. Substantial number of fossil samples from variously composed rocks from all the Upper Cretaceous intervals has made it possible to trace skeleton transformations in sponge ontogenesis and depending on their environmental conditions.

Hydrothermal Processes in Basement Rocks of the West Siberian Oil and Gas Province

Using Palyanovskoye oil field of Krasnoleninsk arch we demonstrated that local cataclasis and pneumatolytic-hydrothermal metasomatism manifestations are widespread in the Paleozoic basement rocks. For the first time the earliest indications of deep fluid activity were detected – at the stage of granite deep fluid saturation and primary diffuse leaching of feldspars. During transition to the infiltration process, they comprise jet-stream fibroblast structures formed due to biotite and plagioclase resorption by amphibole and scapolite association.

Bio-, Magneto and cyclostratigraphy of upper Berriasian near v. Alexeevka (Belogorskiy Region, Republic of Crimea). Article 1. Ammonites. Magnetostratigraphy. Cyclostratigraphy

The results bio-, magnetostratigraphic, cyclostratigraphic, lithological and mineralogic studies of the upper part of Sultanovskaya formation and Zelenogorskaya formation near v. Alexeevka (Belogorskiy region of Crimea) were presented in current work. The results of lithological and mineralogic analysis argues for the stratigraphic break between “Sultanovskaya” formation and “Zelenogorskaya” formation and implicitly indicate the age of the sediments as late berriasian.

Definition of Paleointensity in the Eocene Section Plateau Aktolagay

There was explored the behavior of Rns parameter (relation between the module of natural remaining magnetization after temperature 250° to the magnetization of saturation) in the interval of Ypresian in Aktolagay plateau (West Kazakhstan). The parameters were recounted to the values of H/H0 (relation between paleointensity to the intensity of modern magnetic field).

Permian and Triassic Fish Holotypes Kept in the Earth Sciences Museum at the Saratov State University. Article 2. Actinopterygian Fishes

The paper presents the first holotype review of all the known Permian and Triassic ichthyofauna taxa of the Actinopterygii class, recognized and described by the researchers from the Saratov State University starting from the 1960-ties and currently kept at the University Earth Sciences Museum. Among the previously unknown taxa, there are two orders, three families, 22 genera and 57 species of actinopterygian fishes. Data on taxonomic compositions is provided, holotype numbers are presented alongside with their geographic and geologic referencing.

Peculiarities of Compositions and Formation Environments of Potassium and Potassium-Magnesium Rocks From the Pogozhskaya Rhythmic Member in The Northwestern and the Northeastern Parts of the Caspian Slope Zone

The paper presents the results of composition examination of the uppermost of the Pogozhskaya rhythmic member from the northern near-slope fringes of the Caspian Region. The potassium-bearing horizon encountered there is determined to have resulted from the demineralization stage overlapping the carnallite and the bischofite stage deposits.

Results of Application of the Oil and Gas Potential Preliminary Assessment Exploration Technology over the Potential Area of Saratov Region

To improve the efficiency of geophysical prospecting, the Department of Geophysics of the Faculty of Geology of Saratov State University develops original complexation technology allowing to evaluate the possibilities of identifying promising oil and gas areas by circular thermal-magnetic anomalies, limited to the gradient zones of areas of gravimagnetic complex parameter or geopotential fields anomalies itself. The article presents the experience of applying non-seismic elements of the complex of this technology.

Features of Postsedimentation Alteration Sand Accessory Mineralization with in Rocks at Final Stages of Halogenesis in the Outer Slope Zone of the Caspian Depression

The paper deals with regularities of postsedimentation changes in rocks at the halogenesis final stages within the Gremyachinskoye potassium salt field. Relation ship has been revealed among the postsedimentation processes, brine composition peculiarities, structure and regularities of terrigenous material inflow. Substanti al role of partial metasomatic replace mentofsalting-out halite in carnallite rocks is specified, as well as the role of diagenetic processes in halogen series, frequently accompanied with initial phases of plicative deformations.
