Albedo, Absorbed Solar Radiation and Outgoing Longwave Radiation Derived from Data of NASA Atlases
The results of investigation of main Earth radiation budget (ERB) components derived from the measurement on the Nimbus-6 and Nimbus-7 satellites and published in four NASA atlases are given. The data of latitudinal albedo distribution are described. The methodic for receiving of global and hemisphere values of albedo is proposed. It is showed that global averaged albedo values from Nimbus-6 satellite are less than from Nimbus-7 at 5 albedo units (0,28 and 0,33 correspondingly). The annual variations of global and hemispherical albedo values are discussed. The absorbed radiation data were received and peculiarities of their variation are given. Analysis of data about outgoing longwave radiation was fulfilled. Evaluation of proximity to zero of global annually averaged ERB was made.
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