Izvestiya of Saratov University. Earth Sciences. 2009, Vol. 9, iss. 1

Full Text (PDF):
Bobrov G. P., Tarkhova L. A.
Lysogorsky Plateau as Local Model of Landscapes of Southern Forest-Steppe of the Saratov Region
Bogdanov M. B., Fedorenko A. V.
Periodical Changes in the Atmospheric Pressure, Caused by the Influence of the Space Factors
Gusev V. A., Pichugina N. V.
Problems of Modern Land Use on an Example of a Semi-Arid Zone on the Left Bank of Volga River in Saratov Region
Makarov V. Z., Volkov Y. V., Bulanyj Y. I., Prokazov M. Y., Mukalo A. S.
Unique Steppe Natural Complexes of the Left Bank Volga River in Saratov Region
Makarov V. Z., Molochko A. V., Frolov V. A., Chumachenko A. N.
Fire situation Modeling within Oil-Gathering Stations Using Geoinformation Technologies
Pavlova A. N.
Geomodeling of River Basin Based of the Space Data SRTM (as Example of Tereshka River)
Sklyarov Y. A., Fomina N. V., Kotuma A. I., Semenova N. V.
Albedo, Absorbed Solar Radiation and Outgoing Longwave Radiation Derived from Data of NASA Atlases
Sklyarov Y. A., Fomina N. V., Kotuma A. I., Semenova N. V.
Concerning the Peculiarities in Determination of Daily Averaged Albedo in High Latitudes