Geological and Geochemical Features of the Volcanic Complexes of the Lower-Taiga Area (Northern Primorye)
The Lower Taiga area is a part of the East-Sikhote-Alin volcanicplutonic belt (ЕSAVPB), located in the transition zone of the continentocean which has a very folded geological structure. The study of the geological and geochemical composition, structure and patterns of the placement of volcanogenic-sedimentary rocks of the Lower Taiga area (LTA) will significantly complement the data on the geological and geochemical features of the Mesozoic-Cenozoic stage of the formation of the ЕSAVPB. The novelty of the work lies in the fact that for the LTA for the first time geochemical data were obtained on the chemical composition of the petrogenic, rare, and trace elements of different age volcanic complexes: Primorsky, Samarginsky, Bogopolsry and Kizinsky. As a result of the conducted research, it was revealed that the complexes under study are composed of highpotassium varieties of rocks and differ in the content of rare and trace elements. Primorsky complex differs in its increased concentration of tungsten, zinc, lead, thorium, lanthanum cerium, low content of niobium, strontium, zirconium and titanium. The Samarginsky complex is characterized by a distinct minimum of the content of titanium, strontium and maximum of neodymium. The Bogopolsky and Kizinsky complexes in terms of the distribution of rare and trace elements have a similar trend appearance with other volcanic complexes of the LTA, differing only in the level of their concentration.
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