Izvestiya of Saratov University. Earth Sciences. 2016, Vol. 16, iss. 3

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Gusev V. A., Basamikin S. S., Shlapak P. A.
Optimizing Land use Structure to Increase the Sustainability of Agricultural Landscapes (on the Example of the Soviet District)
Ivanova G. F., Levitskaya N. G.
Sinoptical and Agrometeorological Conditions Anomalous Weather of the Autumn-winter Season 2015-2016 Year in the Saratov Region
Medvedev I. F., Levitskaya N. G., Makarov V. Z.
The Results of Monitoring of Erosion Processes on Chernozems of the Volga Region
Pryakhina S. I., Kotova A. A., Kotova K. A.
Types of Springs in Saratov on the Thermal and Water Regime
Grishchenko V. A., Arkadiev V. V., Guzhikov A. Y., Manikin A. G., Platonov E. S., Savelieva Y. N., Surinskiy A. M., Fedorova A. A., Shurekova O. V.
Bio-, Magneto and cyclostratigraphy of upper Berriasian near v. Alexeevka (Belogorskiy Region, Republic of Crimea). Article 1. Ammonites. Magnetostratigraphy. Cyclostratigraphy
Kurazhkovskii A. Y., Kurazhkovskaya N. A., Surinskiy A. M.
Definition of Paleointensity in the Eocene Section Plateau Aktolagay
Minikh A. V., Minikh M. G., Yankevich D. I.
Permian and Triassic Fish Holotypes Kept in the Earth Sciences Museum at the Saratov State University. Article 2. Actinopterygian Fishes
Moskovsky G. A., Goncharenko O. P., Baiguzina A. Z.
Peculiarities of Compositions and Formation Environments of Potassium and Potassium-Magnesium Rocks From the Pogozhskaya Rhythmic Member in The Northwestern and the Northeastern Parts of the Caspian Slope Zone