Izvestiya of Saratov University. Earth Sciences. 2010, Vol. 10, iss. 2

Full Text (PDF):
Bashkatov A. N.
The Topological Analysis of Valleys of a City of Saratov and Modeling Range on a Right Bank of the Bottom Volga
Mukalo A. S.
The Development History of and Value of the First Large Protected Areas in Germany in the 19th – the Beginning 20th Centuries
Pichugina N. V., Fedorov A. V.
Large-Scale Landscape Mapping (Semi-Desert Saratov Priuzenye as an Example)
Rykhlov A. B.
Analysis of Different Distribution Laws Using for Wind Speed Leveling on the South-West of European Part of Russian Federation
Rykhlov A. B.
On the Issue of Wind Speed Approximation by Viebulla– Gudrich Law on the South-West of European Part of Russian Federation
Makarov V. Z., Chumachenko A. N.
Saratov Interregional Centre of Space Monitoring as a Factor of Science, Education and Business Integration
Pisarenko Y. A., Goncharenko O. P., Pisarenko V. Y., Kireyenko O. S., Каrpova T. G.
Paleogeographic and Tectonic Environment in the Lower Permian Halogen Formation from the Southeastern Margin of the Russian Plate
Pleshakova E. V., Reshetnikov M. V., Lyubun E. V., Belyakov A. Y., Turkovskaya O. V.
Biogenic Migration of Cd, Pb, Ni, and As in the «Soil– Plant» System and Change in Soil Biological Activity
Ryskin M. I., Volkova E. N., Sokulina K. B.
Geological-Tectonic Interpretation of Gravity-Magnetic Information in Development of Regional Geophysical Profiles (for Example: the Profile «Uvarovo-Svobodniy»)