Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7663 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1921 (Online)


Application of Mathematical-Cartographic Modeling for comprehensive landslide hazard assessment using the Analytic Hierarchy Process in the territory of the city of Saratov

The city of Saratov is subject to landslide processes, which occupy a significant part of its territory. Anthropogenic factors, such as irrational use of land, increasethe activation of landslide oftheterritory. The article considers naturalfactors as an aggregate influencing landslide formation on the territory of Saratov city and evaluates them.

Peculiarities of Formation of Anthropogenic Hydrochemical Anomalies in Groundwater within the Oil and Gas Fields

During long-term operation of oil and gas fields in the groundwater on their territory are formed hydrogeochemical anomalies expressed primarily chlorellaman type chemical composition, typical of the zone of active water exchange. The formation of the chemical composition of groundwater is influenced by many factors, both natural and manmade.

Peculiarities of Formation of Anthropogenic Hydrochemical Anomalies in Groundwater within the Oil and Gas Fields

During long-term operation of oil and gas fields in the groundwater on their territory are formed hydrogeochemical anomalies expressed primarily chlorellaman type chemical composition, typical of the zone of active water exchange. The formation of the chemical composition of groundwater is influenced by many factors, both natural and manmade.

The current state of dust content in the atmospheric air of Yerevan

This article discusses the state of atmospheric air. Based on the results of the analysis, an assessment of its pollution levels in the city of Yerevan was carried out. It is shown that the concentration of dust in the atmospheric air has a well-defined annual course. The maximum values of dust concentration are typical for the warm period of the year. The greatest proportion of air pollution is observed in the administrative district of Kentron, the excess of dust content in relation to MPC.