Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7663 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1921 (Online)


Research of spatial distribution of electromagnetic fields of industrial frequency in the central part of the city of Saratov

The cartographic research of electric and magnetic fields of industrial frequency in the central part of Saratov was performed. Measurements by means of the Gigahertz Solutions ME 3830 B M/E Analyser were executed in the 177 points within the built-up territories and recreational zones. The research showed that tension of electric fields and magnetic induction everywhere do not exceed hygienic standards, but in 15,8% ofmeasurement points excesses of approximate safe level ofmagnetic induction were revealed accordingtothe latestforeign researches.

Landscape Zoning of the Saratov Region’ Right Bank

The article is devoted questions of regional level geosystems landscape zoning with Saratov region’s right bank as an example. Mapping was organized with GIS technologies using on the basis of topographic and thematic maps and space images decoding

Agricultural Nature Management of Semi-desert Saratov Priuzenye: Development History and Modern Structure

The article is devoted to the questions of agricultural nature management that is considered subject to natural-resort potential of semi-desert Saratov Priuzenye landscapes, history of it’s economic reclamation and modern structure of nature management. Materials of different years field research, statistic data, topographic and thematical maps, space images, elements of GIS-technologies are used in the work

Saratov Predvolzhja Landscape Differentiation from Regional to Local Level

The article is devoted questions of regional and local level geosystems landscape mapping with Saratov region’s right bank as an example. Mapping was organized with GIS technologies using on the basis of topographic and thematic maps and space images decoding

Large-Scale Landscape Mapping (Semi-Desert Saratov Priuzenye as an Example)

The article is devoted to mapping questions of local semi-desert Saratov Priuzenye geosystems and facilities of cartographical works using for landscape structure identification and it’s variation as a result of anthropogenic load on the territory. Different ages field research, topographical and thematical maps, space images, geoinformation technology’ elements are used in the work.