Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7663 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1921 (Online)

Volga-Ural macroregion

The disparity in development across the Volga-Ural region: A fragile semi-periphery

The issue of regional development in relation to the reproduction of human capital is becoming increasingly urgent every year. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the potential for redistributing human resources within meso- and macro-territorial systems. Using the example of the Volga-Ural macro-region in Russia, the main areas with varying growth potential are considered. Special attention is given to the semi-peripheral or equilibrium zone.

Spatial planning at the macro and micro levels: Problems of taxonomy and polarization (on the example of the Volga-Ural macroregion)

The issue of spatial planning includes the subject of taxonomy. It seems that it is necessary to switch to the practice of planning, in addition to the meso-level (subject of the Russian Federation), at two taxonomic levels: the macroregion and the economic microdistrict. To do this, the article identifies the main properties of these formations. On the example of the Volga-Ural macroregion the properties of integrity, complementarity and connectivity are analyzed.

Urbanized framework of the Volga-Ural macroregion: Assessment of the potential intensity of economic relations

Identifying the spatial structures of economic activity within a supra-regional entity is an urgent scientific task. In this study, it is solved using a combination of a framework approach and a model analog of the gravitational interaction for the cities of the Volga-Ural macroregion.