The Bajocian-Bathonian Key Section from the Malyj Kamennyj Gully (the North of the Volgograd Region)
The following sequence from the Kamennyj gully (Volgograd Region) has been shown to occur in the section, upwards from below: a sand member as the lower portion of the Late Bajocian alluvial Gnilushkinskaya suite; the upper (clayey) part of the overlying littoral Karaulinskaya suite, referred to the Upper Bajocian Pseudocosmoceras michalskii biozone; fragments of a complete section of the Lower Bathonian Zhirnovskaya suite (Gonolkites convergens zone), with the clays deposited under the normal shallow sea conditions; the upper part of the Middle Bathonian Kamenno-Ovrazhnaya suite, composed of light gray, finely laminated clays and aleurites, regarded as regressive facies of a marine basin; those are overlain with the Lower Callovian dark colored clays. Magnetostratigraphy characterization of the studied section was obtained
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