Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Earth Sciences

ISSN 1819-7663 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1921 (Online)

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The Use of Brands of the Territory in the Excursion Activity (on the Example of the Excursion «The Brand Places of Saratov»)

Terenteva Olga Viktorovna, Saratov State University
Loshcheva Daria Yurievna, Secondary school №48

The article is written on the basis of the creation’s and realization’s experience the excursion «The brand places of Saratov». The authors believe that, in virtue of the fact that the brand of the territory helps to attract potential tourists, the development of excursion to the brand places is a necessary step in this direction. The article also provides examples of the successful application of the territory branding, possible Saratov and the region brands are considered there, the themes of excursions offered Saratov tourist companies are analyzed. The authors point out the creation’s stages of the excursion and problems of its realization


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