Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Earth Sciences

ISSN 1819-7663 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1921 (Online)

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Estimation of Frequency Response of Earth’s Climate System to External Radiative Forcing

Bogdanov Mikhail Borisovich, Saratov State University

 We consider the Earth’s climate system (ECS) as a linear system whose output is the global mean temperature anomaly DТ(t). The input the system, along with changes in the solar constant DI(t), can be affected by other factors, and at the output manifest themselves own temperature fluctuations and a random noise. The spectral analysis of the data shows the existence of statistically significant coherence between DI(t) and DТ(t). An estimate of the amplitude-frequency response A(f) of the ECS is obtained, assuming that DI(t) plays the role of a probing signal. The results agree with the previously obtained impulse response of the ESC, which gave the equivalent time constant value of 1.04±0.17 month.


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