Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Earth Sciences

ISSN 1819-7663 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1921 (Online)

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Formation and Development of Powerful Convective Clouds with Different Characteristics of Wind in the Atmosphere

Shapovalov Vitaly A., High-Mountain Geophysical Institute

The description of the developed three-dimensional mathematical model of convective cloud, which includes the equations of hydrothermodynamics, microphysics and electrostatics is given. The model uses an explicit description of microphysical processes based on kinetic equations for particle mass distribution functions. The result of modeling the formation and development of convective clouds at different characteristics of the horizontal wind field in the atmosphere are considered. It is determined that the thermodynamic parameters of clouds, the shape and size of the areas of localization of drops and ice crystals are significantly influenced by changes in the wind direction and velocity in the atmosphere. There was an increase in the parameters of the cloud in the absence of wind rotation with height.


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