Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Earth Sciences

ISSN 1819-7663 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1921 (Online)

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Equivalent Geoelectric Sections in the Transient Electromagnetic Method

Gubatenko Valeriy Petrovich, Saratov State University

A criterion for the equivalence of geoelectric sections in the transient electromagnetic method is formulated. It is shown that the equivalence of geoelectric sections is closely related to the simplification of multilayer conductive geoelectric media by replacing them with a small number of macroanisotropic conductive layers. An algorithm for constructing equivalent sections is proposed. Various examples of equivalent sections for various models of multilayer horizontally layered conducting media are given. It is shown that in the case of a large depth of the multilayer bundle of conductive layers, equivalent replacement of the entire pack with several macroanisotropic conductive layers becomes possible for sufficiently powerful layers, which significantly expands the set of equivalent sections. These examples of equivalent sections in the field formation method illustrate the instability of solving the inverse problem of the distribution of electrical conductivity in depth. At the same time, the calculations performed indicate the stability of the solution of the inverse problem of finding the total longitudinal conductivity in the field formation method.

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