Differentiation of population density within a large city to identify the level of anthropogenic load (on the example of Belgorod)
Residential areas occupy a special place in the planning structure of the city. The building density and the number of floors of houses have an impact on the architectural appearance of the city and the concentration of the population. However, the high population density indicates a significant pressure on the natural framework. The main objective of this article is to show the differences and heterogeneity of population density within the residential area of the city of Belgorod. To accomplish this task, a methodology for determining the population density in the private sector and blocks of high-rise buildings was developed. Using statistical data, the population of all apartment buildings is plotted on the map of the city, then, the city is divided into polygons that make up the residential area. The article proposes a methodological approach that allows taking into account the heterogeneity of the residential area – the private sector and high-rise buildings. The availability of statistical information on the number of registered residents of apartment buildings and the average size of a household made it possible to complete the task with a high percentage of accuracy. The results of this study do not take into account the migration of temporarily registered residents, students from other cities, etc. The population of the city, determined during the study, was 333,692 people, which is less than the result of the 2020 census (339,978 people); the accuracy of the study is 98.15%. More likely, this inaccuracy is due to the lack (or untimely updating) of the statistical information on new buildings. As a result, maps of population density and population distribution were constructed. The city is divided into areas that stand out due to the heterogeneity of the urban environment and the dominant mode of settlement. Through the analysis of the cartographic material, the features of the concentration and resettlement of the population were revealed. The approximate number of the population of the private sector and the main areas of settlement has been calculated.
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