Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7663 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1921 (Online)

Upper Cretaceous

First Magnetostratigraphic Data on the Maastrihtian of Mountain Crimea (Bakhchysarai Region)

The representative data about magnetic susceptibility, its anisotropy before and after heating up to 500°C and other petromagnetic characteristics were received on two sections of carbonate sediments of Maastrihtian – Chahmahly and Takma, located in Bakhchysarai region of the Republic of Crimea. In the studied sections there were established the magnetozones of normal and anomalous polarity, the comparison of determined zones with Geomagnetic Polarity Time Scale was conducted.

Demonstration of Gemmation among Cretaceous Skeletal Sponges – Hexactinellida

The examination of the modular organization in fossil skeletal sponges (Hexactinellida) is mainly related to a study of their vegetative reproduction. The concepts of the reproductive forms for both Recent and Mesozoic hexactinellids can be ambiguous. Examples of the skeletons of fossil sponges from the Late Cretaceous of the Volga River basin, with morphologically detached and naturally distributed sprouts interpreted as buds, are shown. 

Upper Cretaceous Deposits and Biostratigraphy of the «Novospasskoe» Section (South-West of the Ulyanovsk Region)

The section of campanian deposits of the south-west of the Ulyanovsk region characterized by a strata of “knotty” chalk is described. It was found relatively numerous faunal complex presented mostly by belemnites, bivalves and echinoids. The diversity of epibiontic organisms is described. The study of fauna has helped clarify stratigraphic position of the section within the scope of valid regional scheme.

Faunal Assemblage of the Maastrichtian – Paleocene Intervals of Volsk Depression

Terminal layers of carbonate rocks of Maastrichtian and lower intervals of Paleocene aleurite-pelitic formations are accessible for investigation in Krasny Oktyabr and Bolshevik quarries (Volsk Depression). In the bottom of the Paleocene accumulation of skeletons of calcareous and siliceous sponges has been confirmed, mollusk and elasmobranch assemblage has been determined.

Cyclostratigraphic Analysis of the Rock Magnetic Data on Maastrichtian of the Bodrak River (SW Crimea)

Measurements of mass magnetic susceptibility of 2 232 samples, collected in Takma and Chakhmakhly sections (SW Crimea, Bodrak river) through every 20 cm of thickness were conducted. The cycles, supposedly corresponding to the periods of long and short eccentricities of Earth orbit and its axis obliquity were detected by Fourier transform and wavelet analysis of obtained data. The average sedimentation rate (11.7 cm/kyr) was calculated.

Upper Cretaceous Calcareous Sponges of the Southeast of East European Platform

The features of areal distribution and stratigraphic confinement of calcareous spicular sponge forms in the southeast of East European Platform are considered. The skeletons of calcareous sponges essentially representatives of the genus Porosphaera are found in the carbonates of Turonian, Coniacian, Campanian and Maastrichtian, as well as at the base of siliceous formations of the Paleocene. The Maastrichtian calcareous sponges are characterized by the highest species diversity and a wide lateral extension.

The Santonian Stage in Volsk-Khvalynsk Structural Zone. Paper 1. The Research History and the Composition of Sections

The horizon enriched in glauconite and phosphorite was revealed at the carbonatic outcrops near Volsk in the Coniacian and Campanian stage deposits. The short descriptions of studying sections are presented. The spread of synchronous deposits within Khvalynsky district was traced. The Lower and Upper Santonian and the Campanian age deposits are proved by the presence of the inoceramids, belemnites and echinoides. Its vertical distribution was traced.

Magnetostratigraphy of Turonian – Santonian strata on the Samara Right Bank

The paper presents the results of petro- and paleomagnetic studies of two sections of Turonian – Santonian on the Samara Right Bank – near Novodevichye, Podval’e villages and detailed geological description of the Novodevichye section. The magnetostratigraphic subdivision and detailed correlation of the sections were carried out. Unknown unconformity in the Podval’e section was recognized.

Genus Tremabolites Zittel, 1878 (Porifera, Hexactinellida)

Tremabolites sponges known among the Middle-Late Cretaceous beds in Europe are reliably identifiable due to the numerous openings against the background of the skeleton smooth upper surface. The ideas of the level of organization in these sponges and of the species characteristics are far from being univocal. The paper deals with the species diversity of Tremabolites common in the Coniacian – Santonian rocks from the Volga Region. Examples of regeneration and budding in the representatives of the group are presented.

Pseudoderivations of Paracraticularia cylindrica (Michelin, 1840) (Porifera, Hexactinellida)

The morphological diversity of diosculumic sponges, known as Paracraticularia cylindrical, results from the fact that many fossils assigned to this species prove to be fragments of the apical segments of internodes (branches) from major colonies that are rarely encountered as totally preserved fossils. The structures of the branch apical segments and the oscula outlines reflect various manifestations of hexactinellida synchronous division conductive to morphological diversity of the descendants, the succeeding complicatedly structured colonial sponges.
