Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7663 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1921 (Online)


Peculiarities of summer transformation of air masses in the Lower Volga region of stationary arctic anticyclones

Introduction. Transformation is understood as a change in the properties of an air mass: its temperature, humidity, and stability. Transformation changes are especially strong in the summer when cold air from the Arctic basin shifts to the continental regions of Eurasia. When empirically studying the transformation process, there are difficulties associated with determining its beginning and end.

Transformation of land use systems in Russian regions

The article is devoted to the study of changes in land use systems in various regions and natural zones of Russia for the period from 2000 to 2022. Spatial and temporal patterns of transformation of land use systems within the main agricultural territory of Russia were identified and analyzed. Main directions and tendencies of changes in the areas of the main land and proportions of sown areas of main agricultural crops are considered. The dependence of the transformation of land use systems on the agrarian reforms of the 1990s has been revealed.

Main Features of Rural Settlement Transformation in Saratov Region in 1959–2015

Rural settlement system in Saratov region is in constant development. Transformation of rural settlement is considered for 1959–2015. The study of rural settlement is relevant due to system of local government reform. Number of rural municipalities is being reduced and the number of settlements in them is growing. The number of rural settlements is in reduction. The share of population living in large settlements increases (as a result of the change of status of a rural settlement to an urban one included).

Localization of the Anomalies of Geopotential Fields on the Basis of the Frequency and Correlation of Change

The considered methods of separation of gravity and magnetic anomalies in order to distinguish the local search objects. Shows the examples of practical application of these techniques.