Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7663 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1921 (Online)

remote sensing data

Open remote sensing data for the identification of archaeological sites

Archaeology, as a science, is constantly evolving and embracing various interdisciplinary methods. Currently, geoinformation technologies and aerospace remote sensing, along with other remote sensing methods, are becoming some of the primary tools at various stages of archaeological research. This study explores the potential of using open-source remote sensing data to identify archaeological sites.

Methodic of Stereoscopic Terrain Model Creation Based on a Single Satellite (Space) Imagery by Means of Lens Raster

Methodic of stereoscopic terrain model creation based on single high resolution space photo with using digital elevation model and following visualization this image by means of lens raster is described in the article

The use of Earth remote sensing data in the study of mountain glaciers (on the example of the Alibek glacier in Karachay-Cherkessia)

The article presents the results of studying the dynamics of changes in the Alibek glacier according to space images of different years. Methods for processing remote sensing data (ERS) of the Earth to determine the structural elements of the glacial surface are considered. The obtained data are compared with ground meteorological parameters.