Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7663 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1921 (Online)

protected areas

Geoecological analysis of the habitat quality of the Russian muskrat (Desmana moschata) on the territory of the Khopyor Reserve to preserve its abundance

The main purpose of the article is to make geoecological analysis of the habitat quality of the Russian muskrat on the territory of specialized protected areas. Based on the collected statistical indicators on the territory of the Khopyor State Nature Reserve, a correlation analysis was carried out between the number of muskrats, climatic and hydrological factors of its habitat, as well as the possible influence of predators on the number of muskrats.

Modern Methods of Approach and Main Conceptions of Territorial Nature Protection

The article represents complex of modern methods of approach and formed view about territorial nature protection. Topical problems that exist in scientific- methodical and organizational- legal aspects of territorial nature protection are explored. The particular attention is given to research of two key concepts: ?Protected Areas complex? and ?nature-ecological framework?. Author explores works cover this subject area, identify content, specificity and interconnection of mentioned conceptions

Geoecological Risk-Analysis of Protected Areas Network (with Volskiy Municipal District of Saratov Region as an Example)

Possibilities of geoecological risk-analysis methods for Saratov region Protected Areas network are considered. Natural features and geoecological risk factors of Cretaceous slope with calciphilous plants near Volsk city Protected Area are discovered

Landscape Differentiation and Problems of Conservancy Analysis of North Part of Volgograd Storage Pond Islands

Modern landscape differentiation analysis of North part of Volgograd storage-pond flood-plainisland geosystems is introduced in the article. Also consequences of regulated Volga River and Volga islands are detected. The article points main types of nature management in the observable part of the river, explores problems of nature preservation and Volga islands Protected areas generation

Unique Steppe Natural Complexes of the Left Bank Volga River in Saratov Region

According to field researches of the Left bank Volga river in Saratov region in article are shortly presented descriptions of two steppe sites which are unique for this strongly agriculturally transformed territory. The inference are made about necessity of special researches around there, because it is the most perspective for search steppe protected areas. 

The Development History of and Value of the First Large Protected Areas in Germany in the 19th – the Beginning 20th Centuries

The first, rather large protected areas in Germany were created in 19th century under the influence of romanticism, requirements to national definition and proceeding from a socioeconomic situation. It occurred before national parks in USA were created and the German nature protection program formed. The article presents those of them which as much as possible resemble modern nature parks in their problems and organization. The history of their development as protected areas is characteristic for Germany thanks to private, public and state initiatives.