Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7663 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1921 (Online)

sea urchins

The Echinoids Cyclaster and Galerites from the Maastrichtian Deposits of Volga Region

A first for the Volga region described two new species of echinoids and shows their stratigraphic position. Analyzed the relationship identified Maastrichtian sea urchins of the region coupled with synchronous complexes conjugate paleobiochores

The History of the Study Sea Urchins from the Upper Cretaceous of the Volga Region

In the course of this work we cast the light on the state of research of the Late Cretaceous sea urchins in the Volga region as well as the development of ideas about their distribution in the rocks of the Upper Cretaceous in the region. Resources used in the research include studies about this group of invertebrates since the beginning of the XIX century up to the present day. It was estab­lished that the vast majority of publications consist of fragmentary information containing mentions of echinoderm remnants findings.