Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7663 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1921 (Online)


On a record of cow shark’ tooth (Neoselachii, Hexanchidae) from the Upper Cretaceous of Saratov Volga region

The discovery of a tooth of the cow shark Hexanchus microdon (Ag., 1835) from carbonate deposits of the Karsun Formation in the ‘Krasny Oktyabr’ quarry (Volsk, Saratov Volga River Right Bank) is described. Based on the associated foraminifera complex, the stratigraphic position of the find was determined as Lower Maastrichtian, benthic foraminifera LC20 Falsoplanulina multipunctata Zone. It was calculated that the individual size of the described shark species H. microdon was 153–166 cm.

Genus Sororistirps (Porifera, Hexactinellida, Ventriculitidae)

Representatives of the genus Sororistirps, distinguished among the Ventriculites, have been detected in the Santonian – Maastrichtian rocks from the southeast of the Russian Plate. The structures of the skeletons and of the irrigation systems have been considered, the Sororistirps morphogenesis has been traced; the forms characteristic of the Santonian, Campanian and Maastrichtian spongiocomplexes have been determined.

The Late Cretaceous Lithofacies of the Bottom Volga Region

The distinctions of the late cretaceous lithofacies are considered. The genetic groups are marked. These groups conform to the different zones of the sea basin starting from littoral zones with an active hydrodynamics up to the abyssal zones and the areas of the depressions. The inharting of monotyped facial zones of different time levels is established. Three facial regions which are following each other in space are established

Possible Changes of the Geomagnetic Field Intention in Titonian – Berrassian and Campanian – Maastrichtian

By the results of exploration of Titonian – Berriassian sections of Mountain Crimea and Campanian – Maastrichtian sections of west of the Middle Asia, Volga region and Crimea it became possible to reconstruct the special aspects of the geomagnetic field paleointensity changes. There were received the average scale of variations, that rise at the end of geological periods. It should be noted that at the end of Jurassic the average amplitude of geomagnetic field variations was lower than at the end of Cretaceous.

Petromagnetic Indicators of Layers with High Concentration of Cosmogenic Substance in Maastrichtian of Volga Region and Cis-Caspian Region

The level with anomalous high values of natural remanent magnetization and Koenigsberger ratios was identify in the Upper Maastrichtian of Vol’sk depression (Saratov Volga Region). The microprobe studies of samples from this layer registered elevated concentrations of microparticles of iron, nickel, intermetallics and magnetite spherules of cosmic genesis. Similar petromagnetic anomaly was detect in the uppermost of Maastrichtian in the South Cis-Caspian (Aktolagay Plateau, Kazakhstan).

First Magnetostratigraphic Data on the Maastrihtian of Mountain Crimea (Bakhchysarai Region)

The representative data about magnetic susceptibility, its anisotropy before and after heating up to 500°C and other petromagnetic characteristics were received on two sections of carbonate sediments of Maastrihtian – Chahmahly and Takma, located in Bakhchysarai region of the Republic of Crimea. In the studied sections there were established the magnetozones of normal and anomalous polarity, the comparison of determined zones with Geomagnetic Polarity Time Scale was conducted.

Faunal Assemblage of the Maastrichtian – Paleocene Intervals of Volsk Depression

Terminal layers of carbonate rocks of Maastrichtian and lower intervals of Paleocene aleurite-pelitic formations are accessible for investigation in Krasny Oktyabr and Bolshevik quarries (Volsk Depression). In the bottom of the Paleocene accumulation of skeletons of calcareous and siliceous sponges has been confirmed, mollusk and elasmobranch assemblage has been determined.

Cyclostratigraphic Analysis of the Rock Magnetic Data on Maastrichtian of the Bodrak River (SW Crimea)

Measurements of mass magnetic susceptibility of 2 232 samples, collected in Takma and Chakhmakhly sections (SW Crimea, Bodrak river) through every 20 cm of thickness were conducted. The cycles, supposedly corresponding to the periods of long and short eccentricities of Earth orbit and its axis obliquity were detected by Fourier transform and wavelet analysis of obtained data. The average sedimentation rate (11.7 cm/kyr) was calculated.

Upper Cretaceous Calcareous Sponges of the Southeast of East European Platform

The features of areal distribution and stratigraphic confinement of calcareous spicular sponge forms in the southeast of East European Platform are considered. The skeletons of calcareous sponges essentially representatives of the genus Porosphaera are found in the carbonates of Turonian, Coniacian, Campanian and Maastrichtian, as well as at the base of siliceous formations of the Paleocene. The Maastrichtian calcareous sponges are characterized by the highest species diversity and a wide lateral extension.