Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7663 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1921 (Online)

подсолевое ложе

Structural features of the lower Permian salt-bearing series and the character of salt-tectogenesis manifestations in the Caspian Depression. Paper II

The article presents the analysis of the inner structure of the salt-bearing series within the Caspian Depression. Certain salt-bearing complexes of various ages, compositions and plastic properties are distinguished. Their structural relations and the features of salt-tectogenesis manifestation are evaluated. Up to the present no subsalt uplifts have been confirmed in the Russian sector of the Caspian Depression and no HC fields have been discovered.

Structural features of the lower permian salt-bearing series and the character of salt-tectogenesis manifestations in the northern and northwestern margins of the Сaspian depression. Paper 1

The detailed evaluation of the accumulated geological-geophysical data, particularly on the inner structure of the saltbearing series in the margins of the Caspian Depression, the mechanism of salt-tectogenesis manifestation, its reflection in the structure of the salt table and association with the structural inhomogeneities of the subsalt bed is presented.