Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7663 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1921 (Online)

геолого-технологические исследования

Innovative geological and technological research technologies in the process of construction of oil and gas wells

The relevance of the work is determined by the fact that Russian oil and gas companies are faced with the task of creating domestic information and measurement systems used in the process of drilling directional and horizontal wells.

Prospects of Geological Modeling of Oil and Gas Bearing Reservoirs While Drilling

In this paper, we consider the technology of geological modeling of oil and gas reservoirs, based on the results of interpretation of the mud logging and well logging data. Informative geological and geophysical parameters for distinguishing marking horizons were determined. A technological scheme for opening productive reservoirs is proposed, based on the allocation of reference layers of different levels.

Assessment of the facial affiliation of local oil and gas objects based on geophysical data

In the established practice of geological exploration for oil and gas conclusions about the facies belonging of the rocks of oil and gas basins and individual exploration areas were made mainly on the basis of the study of core material. Recently for this purpose the results of seismic exploration and well logging have been used. Geophysical methods despite their obvious progress are indirect and intermittent core sampling and incomplete coring make facies analysis difficult.