Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Earth Sciences

ISSN 1819-7663 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1921 (Online)

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Geological Structure and Petroleum Potential of the Svintsovskaya Depression Devonian Deposits in the Saratov Region


Based on geological survey data from previous years, it is safe to say that there is a possibility of oil and gas discovery in the Devonian terrigenous-carbonate deposits, similar to the findings in the regions known as the Ryazano-Saratovsky Basin and the Stepnovskaya Anticline, as well as its adjacent areas. Yet the geological structure and a potential for discovery of recoverable hydrocarbon deposits within the Svintsovskaya Depression are still unclear. There are geological characteristics of the Vorobyovsky, Ardatovsky, Timano-Pashisky and Semiluksko-Sargaevsky petroliferous complexes covered in the article. There are prospective detected and developed depressions and basins described below. 


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