Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7663 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1921 (Online)

wildlife management

Model of the Geoecological Assessment of a Territory

In this article the method of creation a cartographic model of the geoecological situation of a territory is considered. The description of maps creation and their purpose is given. The necessity of relief using as the object of mapping in the creating a geoecological map is justified. 

Structure and Features of Functioning «GIS-national park» (on an Example of «GIS-national Park “Hvalynsky”»)

In article the specialised geoinformation system created by the author «GIS-national park “Hvalynsky”» is considered. Conceptual bases of the GIS, the maintenance of separate modular blocks, thematic structure of databases are shown.