Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7663 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1921 (Online)

spectral analysis

Effects of Space Factors and Resonance of Tidal Harmonics in Surface Air Temperature Datasets

The digital spectral analysis was carried out for centennial datasets of mean daily values of the surface air temperature anomalies at De Bilt and Lugano weather stations. In the power spectra of datasets peaks are found, which are associated with the influence of various terrestrial and space factors: the quasi-biennial oscillation, the pole tide, luni-solar tides, the rotation of the Earth – Moon system around the barycenter, and the solar activity.

Effects of Space Factors in Surface Air Temperature Variations

The digital spectral analysis was carried out for centennial dataset of mean daily values of the surface air temperature anomalies at Basel weather station. In the power spectra of dataset peaks are found, which are associated with the influence of various terrestrial and space factors: the quasibiennialoscillation, the pole tide, luni-solar tides, the rotation of the Earth – Moon system around the barycenter, and the solar activity.