Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7663 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1921 (Online)


Earth’s Response to Orbital Excitation and Hierarchy of Climatic Events and Rock Cyclites Over the Recent Time

Analysis of the published material has made it possible to show the cyclic variations of the earth’s response to be practically coincident with the orbit parameter fluctuations, when the time lag of 5–6 thousand years is considered. In the earth’s response, however, periodicity changes are more complicated due to resonance phenomena and to numerous feedbacks in the system responsible for additional period occurrences.

What is the «Anthropocene»?

The unofficial term ?Anthropocene? is used actively to refer of the era of the global role of mankind in changing of the environment. Its beginning was announced at the International Geological Congress in 2016. Earlier geologists abstained from this discussion, and representatives of other Earth and Life sciences prevailed among supporters of anthropocene’s idea. In the near future, the introduction of the anthropocene in the geochronological scale will be of current interest.