Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7663 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1921 (Online)


Geological assessing artificial water bodies of the influence zone of metallurgical plants

On the basis of the results interpretation of hydrochemical indicators change dynamics and the application of bioindication method by phytoplankton communities the geoecological state of two artificial reservoirs located in the zones of influence of metallurgical works objects and tested rehabilitation by introducing two strains of algae chlorella: the Matyrsky reservoir (Chlorella vulgaris ИФР No. C-111) and Balandinsky pond (Chlorella kessleri ВКПМ A1-11 ARW) is given. The positive role of using the method of correction of algocenosis is shown.

Ecological and sanitary condition of the Voronezh water reservoir under “blooming” conditions based on materials from 2016–2022

The aim. Study of the ecological state of the Voronezh reservoir under conditions of “blooming” of water by cyanobacteria. Materials and Methods. EEvaluating water quality data of hydrochemical analysis, assessment of suspended solids distribution and temperature in the water area, materials of hydrobiological study (phytoplankton), microcystin content in water have been taken into account. Results and Discussion. The direction of anthropogenic changes occurring in the ecological state of the reservoir has been traced for 2016–2022.