Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7663 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1921 (Online)


The Late Cretaceous Lithofacies of the Bottom Volga Region

The distinctions of the late cretaceous lithofacies are considered. The genetic groups are marked. These groups conform to the different zones of the sea basin starting from littoral zones with an active hydrodynamics up to the abyssal zones and the areas of the depressions. The inharting of monotyped facial zones of different time levels is established. Three facial regions which are following each other in space are established

The Late Cretaceous Deposits of Potassium Soils at the Gremyachinsk Field

The authors consider the compound of the late cretaceous deposits opened up in the bore hole number 13, 62 at the Gremyachinsk field of the potassium soils in the Volgograd region. According to the sediment basins evolution from the epicontinental basins (cenoman, turon-cognacian) to the subpelagic basins (cenonian) the lithotipe which form in the late cretaceous level the regular repeated layers of the terrigenous, carbonate, argillaceous-siliceous deposits are characterized