Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7663 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1921 (Online)

цифровая модель рельефа

Methodic of Stereoscopic Terrain Model Creation Based on a Single Satellite (Space) Imagery by Means of Lens Raster

Methodic of stereoscopic terrain model creation based on single high resolution space photo with using digital elevation model and following visualization this image by means of lens raster is described in the article

Construction of a Hydrologically-correct Digital Terrain Model (Using the Example of Saratov Region)

The article provides an algorithm for constructing of hydrologically correct digital terrain model. The main thematic terms and definitions are given. The construction of watercourse network on the territory of Saratov region and construction of watershed basins has been carried out by GIS-technologies. An algorithm for constructing flood zones of the territory has been developed to identify the most vulnerable objects.

Geomodeling of River Basin Based of the Space Data SRTM (as Example of Tereshka River)

This article is devoted to questions of digital modeling of river basin area. The basin of the Tereshka River appears as the research object. The author results detailed algorithm of river basin geomodeling by using of computer software (ArcGIS, ESRI) on the basis of the space data (SRTM). Characterizing relief and water flow models are created. As a result watersheds and stream network are delineated.