Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7663 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1921 (Online)


Влияние некоторых параметров на устойчивость склона

В статье проводится анализ положения в массиве склона слабого слоя, его угла наклона и влияние этих параметров на устойчивость склона. В случае подходящих условий (изменение гидродинамического режима, влияние тектоники, антропогенное воздействие и т.д.) существуют предпосылки для активизации оползневых процессов. На территориях платформ широко развиты склоны в почти горизонтальных слоях, но имеющих, как правило, неровное залегание; в геосинклинальных областях, преимущественно в горных районах, углы наклона слабых слоев имеют порой значительные значения.

Integrated Application of GIS Technology and Terrestrial Laser Scanning for the Investigation of Landslide Bodies (on the Example of a Landslide in the Oktyabrsky Gorge of the City of Saratov)

Currently the laser scanning method is increasingly used to record the effects of man-made accidents and natural disasters. At the same time, world practice and experience have shown that laser scan data can be used not only to inventory and refine the state of landslide bodies, but also to monitor and predict their development.

The Conditions of Development and the Activity of Exogenous Geological Processes on the South-Western Coasts of Crimea from Cape Aya to Cape Sarych

The history of the study of the southwestern part of the Crimean coast between cape Aya and сape Sarych was considered. The conditions determining the development of exogenous geological processes on the coasts studied were characterized. They are: the type of coast, the tectonic construction and the direction of tectonic movements, maritime relief, lithological composition of the coasts. Genesis, morphometric characteristics, granulometric and material composition of the beaches forming here are described.