Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7663 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1921 (Online)


The Late Cretaceous Lithofacies of the Bottom Volga Region

The distinctions of the late cretaceous lithofacies are considered. The genetic groups are marked. These groups conform to the different zones of the sea basin starting from littoral zones with an active hydrodynamics up to the abyssal zones and the areas of the depressions. The inharting of monotyped facial zones of different time levels is established. Three facial regions which are following each other in space are established

The Late Cretaceous Deposits of Potassium Soils at the Gremyachinsk Field

The authors consider the compound of the late cretaceous deposits opened up in the bore hole number 13, 62 at the Gremyachinsk field of the potassium soils in the Volgograd region. According to the sediment basins evolution from the epicontinental basins (cenoman, turon-cognacian) to the subpelagic basins (cenonian) the lithotipe which form in the late cretaceous level the regular repeated layers of the terrigenous, carbonate, argillaceous-siliceous deposits are characterized

Representatives of the Genus Camerospongia (Porifera, Hexactinellida) from the Cenomanian in the Volga Region

The earliest assemblage of Cretaceous sponges has been found in the Cenomanian terrigenous rocks (the Melovatka suite) from the south of the Volga right bank region. A noticeable element of the assemblage is composed of small-sized Camerospongia, newly recognized in the region and peculiar for forming monotype colonies as well.

Integrated Bio and Magnetostratigraphic Study of the ?Ozerki? Sections (Upper Cretaceous, Right Bank of the Volga in the Saratov Region). Paper 2. Oryctocoenosis Characteristics and Biostratigraphy

In the ?Ozerki? sections, in the terrigenous and carbonate rocks, a faunal complex has been determined – unusually diversified and relatively abundant for the right-bank part of the Saratov Region. Examination of the specified groups of fossil invertebrates has allowed to propose variants for biostratigraphic division and correlation of the sections under consideration. The carbonate rocks are supposed to belong to the Turonian-Coniacian and the underlying terrigenouscarbonate rocks are regarded as the Lower Turonian ones. Formation of the ?sponge?

The biogenic componentof theMiddle Turonian phosphorite horizonfrom the Senomanskaya Stenka section. Paper 2. Biostratinomical analysis

The paper presents biostratinomical characteristics of the Cenomanian and the Turonian fossil complexes found in the Middle Turonian phosphorite horizon from the Senomanskaya Stenka section (Volgograd region, Zhirnovsk district) constituting the basis of the benthic colonies and nekton communities. Probable interpretations for the settings contributory to generation of the phosphorite inclusion clusters are provided.

The biogenic component of the Middle Turonian phosphorite horizon from the Senomanskaya Stenka section. Paper 1. Materials and paleoecological analysis

The paper analyzes the taxonomic composition and the habitat of the representatives of the Middle – Late Cenomanian and the Middle Turonian marine biota. The examined fossils have been isolated from the bulk sample obtained from the phosphorite horizon lying in the bottom of the Middle Turonian carbonate rocks in the Senomanskaya Stenka section (Volgograd Region, Zhirnovsk district).